Chapter 13

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I knew that this was a dream...

I'd experienced it every night since the Lost boys sank their fangs into me. The faceless figures that heated my body each night with their phantom touch were once again hovering over me in bed, but I couldn't move, couldn't open my eyes, completely glued to the mattress. It felt like my mind was awake, but my body still hadn't made the connection yet.

A foreign yet familiar heat spread like wildfire from my core, igniting my unconscious body without any consent. The feeling of satisfaction remained just out of reach as the tingling of my sex drive raged like an inferno.

The need to feel more exploded within me as a cool hand made contact with my flushed cheek and a moan of relief left my lips.

It was a new sensation; one I had never experienced in this lucid state. It felt real yet couldn't possibly have been. The fingers traveled over my body lightly, like a wave of water crashing into my blood stream mingling hot and cold together. Exploring the swells and dips through my pajamas, lingering on the bite mark above my breast causing my heart to flutter in recognition before it finally trailed back up my exposed throat, stopping back where it had started then disappearing just as quickly.

I lay there suspended in time as my brain tried to wake. The seconds ticked on as I waited to be released from this mind cage until finally my fingers twitched. Muscles relaxed and then tensed as wakefulness finally overtook sleep. It was still dark when my eyes flew open. Adjusting to the lack of light proved difficult as I searched my body for the offending hand to no avail. My mind was playing tricks on me, but it was just a bad dream.

Like a child I huffed out my frustration only to be met with a deep chuckle from across the room.

Fear shot through me sending my body upright in bed. I clutched the sheets for protection bringing them further into myself when I spotted a figure leaning against my desk in the darkness. Like a demon climbing out of my nightmare, the creature straightened his body and stepped forward from the blackness. A sharp white glow from the moon spilled through the window to illuminate the vampire's handsome features.

My heart went into overdrive as I took in David's casual form. The leather jacket that he always wore was gone and I finally glimpsed the smooth pail arms extending out from his black t-shirt.

"Having a nice dream Emily?" his knowing tone teasing in my vulnerable state.

"David," I whispered breathlessly, still shocked by his presence in my room. The vampire had said that he would return but I hadn't thought it would be tonight. The chills crept up my body leaving me exposed to the present danger, I knew we were alone in the house and so did he.

My eyes briefly glanced towards the clock on the bedside table, 1am. Mum and Sam were with Max and Grandpa was with his lady friend, as he called her, none of them would be back until morning.

"Are...are the others here?" I questioned timidly taking a quick look in the other dark corners of the room.

"Why, am I making you nervous?" David smirked at my unease then turned on the desk lamp probably for my benefit more than his. Being alone with him was worse in some way, he only sought me out when I was being an inconvenience and this time I had really kicked the hornets nest.

"You wanna tell me what you're looking for?" he picked up a book from my desk in explanation before thumping it back down callously. The sudden noise caused me to jump in surprise which David seemed to take satisfaction from.

The vampire lazily took up roost on the chair in front of my desk, swinging his legs up onto the surface full of library books, completely disregarding any property they damaged. He looked at me pointedly, eyes slightly narrowed with scrutiny.

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