Chapter 7

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His black figure was moving at an alarming rate towards the darkened stairs to the beach front. God how did he move so fast, I was almost sprinting now as I bumped into a few straggling people in my pursuit, my apologies lost to the wind.

There was a bonfire in the distance and David had already arrived there when my feet hit the sand, I couldn't make out anything more than the solitary burning beacon that stood isolated on the empty beach. All the happy tourists had gone home for the night, it seemed I was the only one stupid enough to be chasing after vampires this late at night. The sand in my shoes slowed me down considerably but the moonlight gave me enough visibility to maneuver around the discarded rubbish littering the beach. Gross!

The thumping of the music behind me was being drowned out by a new musical number, Guns and Roses blasted out at an absurd volume. I was close enough now to make out a dozen figures around the fire, my body slowed as muffled screams broke through the tunes. Fear churned my stomach over, I could feel the burning of bile at the back of my throat, but a sick curiosity seemed to take over my legs as they continued pushing me forward. The cries for help stopped and I knew that I should have turned back but I didn't have the will power to go. My eyes remained focused on the beautiful orange and red blaze as it rippled into the sky. I was so close now, the lost boys were hollering and laughing, one more step and I would be illuminated by the fire light.

The smell hit me before I registered the disemboweled bodies being eaten by the raging flames, burning flesh sent me doubling over as I heaved out the contents of my stomach. Stepping back, I found myself pinned down by David's monstrous gaze as he finished of the last of his 'meal', blood trailed down his disfigured chin before he promptly cleaned it off and added the body to the pile. A content sigh left his lips as his face morphed back to its human state.

"Nice of you to join us Emily" his demeaner was so calm but out of the four, David scared me the most with his husky voice that seemed to speak straight to my body. Every word penetrated my mind.

"Hey Babe!" Paul's playful voice had me turning to see the other three eyeing me off "I knew you missed me". I had almost succeeded in forgetting how devastatingly handsome the guys were, I could never admit it but they had been consuming my thoughts of late. The music had been turned down and Dwayne sent a nod my way before passing a few beers around.

"Come have a drink" he was way too happy for someone who had just committed murder.

A couple in the far corner caught my attention, both were locked in a heated make out session and it took me a few seconds to realize it was Michael and Star. They pulled apart rather abruptly at my blatant staring.

"What are you doing here Em?" Mike's voice was full of concern, but I had no answer for him. My anger had fled leaving a sinking feeling in its wake, he was scared for me. Michael was their brother now too, he could not protect me from them. My sibling looked unsure as David sent him a stern glance, like they were having a silent conversation that I would never be privy to.

Mikes features flooded with rage as he pulled star to her feet, "We're leaving". The shadows seemed to swallow them whole before I could even get my vocal cords to work.

"Em, sit next to me. Paul's a shit head when he gets drunk" Marko sniggered from the log to my right, I hadn't seen him move. The situation had finally become too much for me. Opening and closing my mouth like a fish with nothing to say, I settled for turning on my heals and leaving. "Where ya going?"

My mind drew a blank, I didn't actually know where I was heading but it was sure as hell away from those four. Three steps later and I found myself surrounded by the blood thirsty monsters, I could barely remember the reason that I had followed David out here tonight and even then, I knew it was going to be another scratch against my mounting pile of stupid decisions. The hickey on my neck was proof of that, the darn thing just wouldn't disappear.

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