Chapter 5

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My eyes stayed trained ahead watching the room light up. The tall brunette several meters away had seemingly finished lighting the barrels and was now individually lighting the other candles, he watched my stiff form with no emotion. The man behind me didn't move an inch as I caught a glimpse of platinum blond hair in my peripheral, it didn't register but the cool breath fanning over my neck had abruptly stopped. I realized that the exit was now visible and in a moment of panic I surged forward. My heart thundered in my chest as I struggled to draw in air at the sudden exertion.

Without warning the looming figure of the dark handsome man appeared in front of me blocking my escape route. It was inhuman, no one moved that fast. My feet slid on the wet uneven floor and I landed hard on my hands and knees, the rough texture of the rock cutting into my soft skin. The tall brunette just observed me with an impartial expression. This was all so wrong, none of this was meant to happen. I've made a grave mistake.

"Pl...please don't hurt me. I shouldn't have trespassed, I'm s..sorry" I stuttered out in a whisper.

Heavy boots thumped along the cave floor growing closer to my shaking form, stopping beside me.

"Hey lass" I gasped desperately for air as my lungs began constricting with his acknowledgment.

"Emily" his rumbling vocals washed through me again.

"Calm down. We won't hurt you, right boys?" The platinum's voice rose above the deafening sound of blood rushing through my ears. I could hear the smirk in the way he said it, he was taunting me. Like a cruel joke, other figures beyond my vision began chuckling at my expense too. There were more!

I didn't believe him, "You… you won't?" my breathless words sounded skeptical, but fear was turning my brain to mush as the unspoken question burst out of my mouth.

He knelt down to my level, but I didn't dare look up at him. I settled for watching the small trickling of blood from my hands swirl through the clear puddle of water at the brunette's feet while I struggled to breath.

"Of course not, you're Michael's sister after all," My eyes were stinging from unshed tears, how was Mike involved? This was a nightmare and I was scared beyond belief, they knew my brother which made things worse. Were the rumors true? Maybe they were murderer's or something far more sinister. I didn't want to find out but it seemed I had no choice.

The platinum tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear in a slow stroke, "I think introductions are in order." His hands encased my bicep and he pulled me up swiftly causing my head to spin and my body to sway from vertigo. I flinched from the close proximity as he rubbed his nose along my cheek smelling my fear before burying his face into my hair. My body responded instantly at the intimate gesture, my heart picked up its pace pumping rapidly for a completely different reason as my core flooded with heat. I couldn't stop the gasp from leaving my lips as the uncomfortable throbbing started between my thighs. The native American had his head cocked to the side watching with a lopsided grin, it was only now I realised he had no shirt under his jacket. I could see every toned ridge of his perfect chest. Closing my eyes momentarily, I tried to block out the mental images that were beginning to fabricate.

"That's Dwyane, I'm David and those two over there" he motioned with a thumb to the far corner where the rock star blond was holding up a limp curly haired friend, "Paul and Marko". I clasped a hand to my mouth as the huge hole in the young man's chest became apparent. "Your siblings decided to pay us a little visit today" David's voice rumbled through the cave. "Maybe you could help one of our brothers they tried to kill, hmmm?"

They hadn't waited for me, Sam and Mike had almost killed someone! By the looks of it Marko should have already been dead, blood oozed out of the unnatural wound staining his colorful jacket as the curly blond struggled to stand.

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