Chapter 9

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Had my nightmares bled into reality? Maybe I was still dreaming. It felt like I had no control over any of the unfolding events tonight. I had basically been forced, after much debating and opposing on my end, to go to the board walk with the young adults of the family. It was a terrible idea that mum had pushed, it was also her bad clothing suggestions that landed me in a breezy summer dress that showed far too much flesh for my liking with the current company.

My position on the back of Dwayne's motor bike had me blushing like a school girl, the dress was flowing out around me, leaving my legs defenseless to the vampire's eyes. I was tightly rapped around him, holding on for dear life as we all sailed through the streets, my hair whipping into tangled curls. Their blatant disrespect for the speed limit meant that my grip on his naked middle would have been deadly had he been human, but Dwayne just hollered and laughed with his brothers. His muscled abdomen rippled with the motion and I couldn't stop my mind from wandering into dangerous waters. What would his body feel like underneath me? Or even on top, the smooth tanned skin sliding against my fingertips as I explored. STOP! Shutting them down was hard enough given I had no safe escape on this motorized death trap. A large gust of wind and a gut-wrenching drop of my stomach forced my eyes open in terror. Suspended in time just for a few seconds as the bikes became airborne over a rise in the road. If I never had to ride with them again, it would be too soon.

Michael and Star seemed to veer off as we continued down the all too familiar boardwalk, slowing down towards their customary spot.

"Where are they going?" my panicked whisper wouldn't have been heard if they were human, but the supernatural hearing ability gave them an unfair advantage.

Paul rode up next to us as we stopped, "They're going for dessert" he wiggled his eye brows at me suggestively and held a hand out to help me off. My libido picked up instantly as our hands touched, the combination of his sexual innuendos and my sensory overload in the last few minutes had my body going haywire. I was also painfully aware that it was now just the five of us together. Why would Mike have left me with them? It hurt slightly that for one measly night he couldn't have looked out for me, like a brother should have. Guilt started to seep into my mind, I wasn't one to talk, look how well I failed at keeping my loved ones safe.

The lost boys didn't give me much time to wallow in my own self-pity as I was pulled into the swell of people towards an ice cream cart. The boardwalk was in full swing and it was packed, the tunes from the beach concert thumbed out over the speakers making patrons shout over the noise. Before I knew what was going on a double scoop chocolate chip ice cream was placed in my hand. There was no point asking how they knew my favourite flavour, they wouldn't have divulged the secret anyway. "Thank you" I offered politely, "let me pay you back" I reached into my pocket for some cash, but Markos hand caught mine.

"Our treat" He smiled back confidently. My heart palpitated at the handsome young man, gosh what was wrong with me? Trying to bring myself back from the lustful hole I'd dug, I realized that Paul had vanished.

"Where did Paul go?" I tried to act indifferent as I ate the offering, I didn't want to seem like a needy human in a five-way relationship with jealousy issues. Because we weren't, and I definitely didn't want to be. I wasn't in the right head space at the moment and everything coming out of my mouth seemed to be damning me even further into my own personal hell. David's eyes met mine for a brief moment, the clear blue crashing into me like an ocean and I had to look away from the intensity. He was well aware of my bodies turmoil, that knowing look spoke volumes and he never even opened his mouth.

The boys all smirked at me before Dwayne finally offered an answer, "Dessert". A single word response that sent shivers up my spine in the most delicious way. Their effect on me had sky rocketed exponentially since the previous drunken escapades and I had no idea why. Perhaps it was the embarrassment that was sending me giddy with silly ideas and erotic images. An influx in blood to the brain was obviously to blame because the alternative just wasn't something I could allow.

"He was a bit peckish so he's gone to grab some take out for us" David chipped in although I couldn't meet is gaze as I finished my own dessert.

"Oh" Maybe I could separate and leave just like the others had, I guess there was no real logical reason keeping me hitched to them tonight, but my brain and body never agreed on anything anymore. Before I could make an exit, Paul came sauntering back with his arm swung around a pretty blond. This was turning into something rather unsavory as the distinct feeling of being inferior reared its ugly head.

"This is Amy. Say hi to the guys Amy" It wasn't what he said but rather how Paul said it, almost like he was introducing us to a pet poodle. My nerves started firing rapidly up to may brain screaming danger!

Confusion met with worry somewhere in between and it swirled around my heart weighing it down. It was like we were all now in our own little bubble, nothing else existed.

"Hi" the poor girl looked like she was in a daze, unlike me whose eyes had begun to grow wide in the suffocating atmosphere of understanding. Paul caressed her neck, examining the flesh with expert knowledge. The boys hadn't been joking, they meant every word literally. They were hungry for blood and this poor girl was considered dessert.

"You….you're going to kill her" My voice quivered but it wasn't a question, it was a statement.

"You eat to survive, so do we" David's cool voice was slightly muffled by the smoke in his mouth. He looked at ease with the fact of her impending death, "Unless you have a different proposition?" My throat was dry now, my words had fled as I opened and closed my mute lips. The loud drumming of my heart beat in my ears drowned out all the other noises of the boardwalk. David gave me a few seconds but after I offered no reply he signaled for us to head to the bikes, "Let's go."

"Wait!" I was breathing heavily, and I knew I was going to regret the words that were going to spill out of my mouth, "I'll donate!" I was frantic and had to take a stop myself for a second.

"I'll donate, just…just let her go" those few words felt like I was signing my life away, but I couldn't have lived with the fact that I had sat idly by and let them take this girls life. The others remained silent as we spoke, the only person moving was Amy who had started swaying to the music in a hauntingly hollow manner.

The platinum blond turned back to face me with a wickedly evil grin on his sinful features. I couldn't tell if he was pleased or upset with my suggestion, "Do you realize what you are offering?"

"Yes" although I knew that I actually had no idea, but they hadn't killed me yet and that was what my insane mind was holding onto right now. David nodded in acceptance all the same.

"Well I guess we have an agreement" he stuck his hand out which I shook quickly. I went to pull away but David drew me closer into his chest with a smirk, "Lets go boys, looks like dessert is on Emily tonight."


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