Chapter 4

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Grabbing my keys and closing my locker I headed out of 'Le Olive'. It was only about 5pm and the sun was set low in the sky, but before I made my way back home I had an important task I had to complete and it had a different destination entirely. Day 5 in this town and I was already wondering if moving here had been a mistake.

My siblings had both been getting worse in their behaviour, Mike was never home and Sammy had basically sabotaged our mothers date with Max twice. I know I shouldn't judge but those frog brothers were encouraging Sam's bad attitude to a point that he was getting un-manageable. I mean, what kind of buddies try to convince you that the nice man your Mom's dating is a vampire! And to top it all off Michael was now caught up in their little con too. They even gave me a comic book that seemed to explain different ways to eradicate the blood suckers. The only thing that seemed to be going well for myself and Mon was our jobs. The fact I hadn't seen those bikers through any of my shifts yesterday or today was also a major bonus. Luck was surly on my side.

I could see 'Video Max' in the distance as I quickened my pace towards the car park. Max was such a nice guy, a real gentleman. Mom really liked him, you could see the little sparks of happiness shoot through her eyes when she looked at him. Just like in those old black and white films he had swept her off her feet with a bouquet of flowers and courted her over dinner, well what little dinner they had before the self-proclaimed vampire hunters ruined it. Not many guys would have stuck around after the stuff my younger brother pulled but he was so chilled about it. I really hope their date tonight goes well, she deserves to be happy.

Thinking back to this morning and the conversation I had with the boys, they had laid everything out like an elaborate scene in a mid-day soapy. Sammy was convinced that there was a vampire coven in Santa Carla and Michael swore black and blue that he was a half vampire. Ridiculous, I know, but they were adamant that today they would both be traveling to Hudson Bluff and exterminating the epidemic. "Wait for me, don't do anything until I get home" I had pleaded, I needed more time to sort through this crazy hay stack of lunacy. They agreed, thank god, but this was just insane. Turning the engine over in my beetle I headed for the road. I planned on driving to said location to check it out, I wouldn't normally do this but after the stories that my colleagues had offered up about the abandoned ruins of an old hotel, I couldn't risk the safety of my family. Sam was clumsy at the best of times and Michael had no sense of danger and would probably run in all guns blazing only to cause a cave in.

A shiver ran down my spine at the horrible image. My mind was made up. I would go myself and check the abandoned dilapidated building.
I came across the over grown road and my car crept slowly to a stop near the edge of the cliff. The lighthouse was casting an ominous silhouette along the murky waves ferociously smashing against the jagged rocks below. The sun was setting so I rushed to lock my car and get this over and done with. Barb-wire fences and 'Keep Out' signs littered the area as I wondered towards the wooden stairs. The creaking under my feet was unnerving and I couldn't fathom how anyone would have ventured down here, it was far too dangerous. It was insane actually, of course no one was going to risk life and limb for a cave.

It took a little maneuvering but I carefully made it into the awkward opening unscathed only to be blown away by what I found. Orange and pink hues of light filtered down through small cracks in the cave roof, the light reflected off the water and sparkled around the opening. There had definitely been someone using the area, probably desperate runaway youths. Continuing into the cave, I wandered around an old fountain and a couch that had seen better days, everything was so dusty and old. Drapes and unlit candles decorated the rock facings and small trinkets were piled high in every corner with dangling shells adorning the bed I was currently walking past. It had a unique beauty about the room but an ever-growing fear crept up my body as the light turned to darkness. The sun had left the skies above. I was alone, at least that's what I thought.

An animalistic screech in the far corner startled me and I spun in an arch, blinded by the sudden flames that licked along the cave walls as barrel after barrel was lit by an unknown figure.

Cold lips ghosted my collar. The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end and my spine stiffened as the cool breath fanned across my skin. He was standing right behind me, I knew exactly who it was, I could smell the intoxicating scent, but bringing myself to move felt too far out of my reach. All that seemed to flittered through my mind was my brothers accusations- vampires lived in this cave.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?"

Authors note
I want to thank everyone for reading and the very kind kudos!

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