Chapter 14

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It was just on dusk, the sunset looked breathtaking from where I stood on the pier. Red, yellow and orange bleeding together in a seamless stroke that was being swallowed into the darkening sky. The boardwalk was alive with activity as I wandered through the growing crowds. Nothing had changed here since we'd arrived in Santa Carla, the people and music still carried on in organized chaos. Tourists and locals alike completely oblivious to the dangers that hid in the night. It had once been a place of solace for myself and my family but now the visage was falling away, at least for me it had.

In just a short period of time we'd had our lives changed, like the decay of time- the end is inevitable... or maybe it was infinite.

I still had a short time before the monsters came out to play, my mind had been struggling to find safety in my own home knowing they had full access to me there. But being here meant my mind would wander. I felt completely disconnected from reality, walking alone amongst so many, not really knowing where I was heading.
Last night had been burned into my memory, the threat of losing my humanity almost more terrifying then the possibility of David taking my control. But he had made his point, I was part of Max's family puzzle, and in the end they would make sure I'd fit.

My gaze caught on a familiar sign, "Comics," the voice sounded alien as I whispered the word. Such a curious thing, why had I found myself here, at the one place that seemed forbidden. Perhaps a last-ditch attempt at my collapsing rebellion.

I must have looked like a fool standing in the middle of the flow of people, just staring... lost in a daze. That was until a voice knocked me back down to earth.

"I thought you'd be dead by now" Edgar's voice was tight and gruff. His tone full of disdain, indicating just how unwelcome my presence was.

"I think I already am," it was humorous really, a tasteless joke at my own expense. As honest as it was, still met with doubt by the teenager, I couldn't blame him though. The two Frog's felt betrayed yet in all their arrogance they never seemed to realise how close they had come to death.

The other Frog made an appearance beside his older brother, their body language mimicking one another, arms folded like they feared nothing despite what they had seen. Allen gave a curt nod to Edger before adding an annoyed, "What do you want?"

"To live," it just slipped out, leaving both frogs stunned. It took a moment for my brain to catch up to my mouth but by the time it did, it was too late, the cat was out of the bag. It seemed I was hell bent on wreaking even more havoc on my own life.

Another glance between the two and I was beckoned into the store, consorting with the enemy... what more could I do to shorten my own life span? It almost seemed I was destined to ruin the remaining time I had left.


The moment I emerge from the comic book store I felt a target on my head... night had set in. My nerves where firing rapidly leaving me on high alert, rattled and confused. Within such a short space of time I'd managed to obtain a few more nails to hammer into my own coffin, with a 'Destroy all vampires' comic book and a wooden stake. It was kind of perplexing how it all unfolded, Edger and Allen both took it upon themselves to arm me and divulge secret vampire killing techniques without me getting in a word.

I looked back into the shop contemplating giving the items back but both brothers looked on hopeful for justice, I guess they assumed I was really going to fight for my life. Would I though? It was a hard question to consider yet the answer should have been obvious.

One last glance into my hands and I decided to take the items to dispose of somewhere away from prying eyes, the last thing I needed was the lost boys seeing a weapon in my hands. We were already on such rough ground, I'd find no benefit with mock bravery and they would smell the fear rolling off me in waves. So I rolled it up into the book and hurried off back towards the carpark.

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