chapter 8

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A frightening jolt shot me up from bed straight out of a dream, I had been running. Perhaps away from something or towards, I couldn't be sure. The visions faded so abruptly that only remnants of fear remained and the thumping of my accelerated heart rate. The pulsing of a light headache running down my temple caused a groan of frustration past my lips. Stupid nightmare. My hand reached out to grab some painkillers on my bedside table only to realize I had slept right through my alarm clock who's digital green numbers currently flashed an irritating 17:30. I was going to be late for work!

In a flash I was racing into the bathroom for the quickest shower I had ever had in my life. Stumbling out of the tub with my body rapped in a fluffy towel to go in search of my waitressing outfit. Underwear on with a shirt and skirt in my hands, I began throwing clothing items aside in search of my illusive apron.

"Where could it be!" I muttered in frustration.

I stopped suddenly at my closet mirror, my whole body on display as I watched the colour drain from my own face. Memories flooded into the voids from the missing black holes of last night, it seemed I knew exactly where I had misplaced it. An internal voice tried to make light of the situation, 'hey, at least you still have a reflection!' that might have been the only thing going for me though.

"Emily! Are you up dear?" The comforting sound carried to my bedroom. "Max and the boys will be here soon for dinner and I could really use a hand!"

That nice feeling fled at the mention of the lost boys. How was I going to function with them being so…. Well, with them being them. It was next to impossible. "I'm up!" I shouted back, with all the energy I could muster I made myself presentable and hurried down stairs.


So far things had been going well at the dinner table, Sammy was talking animatedly with Laddie and Mum about school. Both boys had started when summer break ended, and the older boy had taken the smaller under his wing. They did basically everything together. I don't even think my brother missed his old frog friends. Mike and Star were conudeling together as per usual, their love had only grown stronger with the new blood bond. It was nice to see him happy but also a little strange with how public their affection was. On the other side Max was making small conversation with me about work and I had positioned myself as far away from the four lost boys as possible. Although it didn't stop them from staring at me from across the table on occasion as I tried to eat, it was starting to give me anxiety. No one else seemed to notice my uncomfortable awkwardness, but the way David, Paul, Dwayne and Marko kept smirking behind mouthfuls of food made it apparent that they knew the exact effect it was having on me. I really didn't think I could live like this for much longer, they were either going to eat me alive or send me nuts.

"I've been meaning to mention this for a while but I'm planning on applying for college again," it was an unspoken rule that everything went through Max, but I was still hopeful.

"Applications are opening up soon and I wanted to get a head start" I had been accepted into several in the previous year but with my parents marriage crumbling, it didn't seem right pursue my own passion by leaving.

"Oh dear, I had completely forgotten about that" my mother cut in. "Emily had been saving up for a small apartment for college but that all disappeared with the divorce settlement and  the cost of lawyers."

It really had been a devastating blow for me, but I had recently been earning enough with the night shifts to cover expenses until I got another job wherever I chose to study. More importantly I would be far away from Santa Carla and those tempting vampires. It would be sad to leave my family here, but they seemed content with their lives. They didn't feel the impending danger that I did every time I was in close proximity to the trouble makers.

"That sounds like it was very difficult for you Emily, but it's good to see a young lady taking her future seriously. I hope you will apply to Santa Carla's local college, I've heard it has some wonderful program."

My smile faltered slightly at Max's words, I had wanted to avoid anything local. It was clear that I would not be given that freedom, I doubted I even had any other option now the words were out of his mouth. Max looked at me kindly, but it didn't reach his eyes, those brown orbs showed little interest in my future plans.

"Of course. I haven't looked at what they offer but I'm sure I can find something that will fit" I put my best face on and tried to push through the immense disappointment threatening to swallow me whole.

"Splendid. I can have the boys pick you up of a night after your classes finish, you never know what kind of riff raff are around" Max continued cheerfully.

"Oh no really, that's not necessary" I tried to counter but what was the point arguing with someone who had been around for millennia.

"I know your mother and I would feel much more at ease with knowing you are safe with them" Mom just nodded in agreement. It seemed like no one actually cared about what I wanted and the realisation left a sour taste in my mouth.

"Sweetie, it really would be best," she reached across the table and held my hand comfortingly. I have no idea why but my vision landed straight on her neck. What I saw made my insides flip, a red mark exactly like the one currently residing on my own neck glared back at me like a shining beacon. I didn't want to think of the implications of this discovery, but my mind ran wild with questions. I didn't want it to mean anything, but David's words still rattled around in my brain.
They were still watching me, I could feel it like a red-hot poker imprinting its insignia on me.

"My boys seem to have taken a shining to you and with your marking it will make it that much easier for them to look out for you, not to mention it will keep others away. Perhaps you would consider completing the bond with the other three?" Max suggested mildly.

Micheal began spluttering, chocking on his food. I guess he and I were in agreement- It was a horrifying idea and my whole face lit up like a Christmas tree from embarrassment.

After a prolonged pause of silence in which it seemed everyone had turned to eagerly hear my answer. What was I even meant to say to that?

"Um…. Maybe?" came my stupid reply. Unsurprisingly I lost my appetite and excused myself from the table, mumbling something about getting a head start on cleaning the dishes.

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