Gets Caught

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On the very first day of class, the two sparked up some connection between them but it was still in the highest form of doubt. Willow thought that her teacher was somehow attractive and very alluring but it was still in the thinking process. The sense of love didn't kick in and get her hooked yet.

Sheba on the other hand fell in love right away but then she thinks as to why would a teacher like her fall in love with her student. It is wrong but then Sheba knew that there was something with Willow that really hooks her in. It was Willow's vacant time and she has one hour spare when a good distraction came in.


Willow POV:

The class was all sense chaotic and it just really got into me when Jones just had to be that rude in front of Ms. Hart. It was just very rude and annoying, my anger could not handle it so I just had to do it. Glad that young man was afraid of me. I was the reason why he gets detention all the time last year.

Ms. Hart asked us to draw something and it could be anything.  I have been so attached to those Greek pieces of art that had so much detail on it. The way their veins show and the detail on every feature was so beautiful and fascinating so I decided to do my own style.

You're beautiful- no. Uhm. Your drawing is beautiful and so are you.

I am beautiful? That is quite interesting. While I was looking up to her, Ms. Hart's eyes were amazingly alluring and they are extraordinary I must say but... Why would she say something like that.

She slowly heads back to the table and then few seconds later, the bell rings. The sound of chairs moving and students clashing and stumbling to the doors was something nostalgic I would say but I don't really enjoy.

Me and Ms. Hart just had a little conversation before I left and then she asked me to address as Sheba. Something that I would not do but as per request, I will.

I have one hour to spare and I did not know what to do-


Speaking of the woman that seems to be attracted to me somehow, I turned around to Ms. Hart close to me with her chest abruptly breathing fast. 

"Will you join me? In the cafeteria at least? If it is your free time?" She kindly asks me. 

Looking at her, there were some sweat running down her forehead, her eyes were a bit dilating and then her hair was looking like a mess. I did walk for a few steps, was not expecting for her to chase after me and would look like this. 

I mean to be honest she still looks very attractive. Gosh, this sounds so wrong, it is really killing me.

"And with all Sheba, why would you ask me?"

Then she paused. As if she was afraid. Sheba's lips were a bit shaking and then she was trying to hide her face as her cheeks started to redden.


"To live up to your expectations that I could be young?" She said with her hand slowly going to her neck. Sheba said it like she was embarrassed in all forms. 

Her cheeks got even more red and she didn't make eye contact with me. Still clearly shy, I took her hand and then we both headed to the school's cafeteria.

I did not know how she looked but I was there holding her hand until another teacher showed up to us. Mrs. Barbara.

"Good morning Ms. King, why are you with a teacher?"

Sheba started to shake. Placing her behind my back, I faced Mrs. Barbara and told her why I was accompanying a teacher at this very hour. It is odd for me to be with a teacher because Mrs. Barbara knows how much I despise getting along with teachers.

Thank You, Really (Sheba Hart x Student)Where stories live. Discover now