Chapter 5, Part II

Start from the beginning

Umiko: Wh-what's that?

Monokuma: Take an apple from the tree of knowledge, eat it, survive the side effects, and come out of it a wiser kid, while stocks last! Or you could just take the easy way - that is kill someone and don't get caught. Then I'll tell you EVERYTHING! Y'know, before I have to let you go as this game's winner!

Ayane: Everyone! Don't give in to his temptation!

Madoka: Are you out of your mind, Ayane? He's just written his own death warrant.

Ayane: Those fruits can kill.

Madoka: What if they don't? It's a pretty big gamble, but a gamble worth taking.

Ayane: I won't be surprised if you end up the victim of his con. After all, they say there's a sucker born every minute.

Her words fell on deaf ears, as Madoka had wandered out of the gymnasium by then.

Ayane: It's like talking to a brick wall with her...

Kaiji: It could be worse. She could end up ruining your dignity.

Monokuma: Should you really be talking smack about your classmates behind their backs?

Kaiji: Damn. I shouldn't have said that, worthless me.

Daigo: You're not worthless at all!

Kaiji: I don't need you to make me feel any better, Daigo.

With those words, Kaiji stormed out in a huff.

Daigo: Guess things became a lot more awkward...

Umiko: Let's just go!

Monokuma: Nothing's stopping you now, everyone! Upupupu~

Kaori: Agreed.


(Free Time Event #17: Madoka Uryu)

Once I left the gym, I wanted to find where Madoka had gone to. She was hanging around near the bricked-off wall on the very first floor, still clutching onto her scarf. By the time I found her, I didn't know whether to ask her on if she was seriously considering Monokuma's offer, or to have some small talk to try and build up some sort of trust between us. I decided on the latter, as much of a dangerous choice it was.

Madoka: ...Hey.

Kaori: Hey there.

Madoka: You wanna talk to me, or what?

Madoka: Do you want to hear the story of how I made some guy make a complete and utter ass of himself?

Kaori: ...What will you do if I say no?

Madoka: Nothing. Totally. Now, weren't you going to talk to me?

Kaori: (I still felt incredibly uneasy around her, so didn't say anything.)

Madoka: I said-

Kaori: Fine!

Madoka: Geez, how hard is it to answer such a blatant question? So anyways, there was this guy. Average one: white-collar job, wife and two kids, receding hairline, tendency to get drunk...

Kaori: A salaryman.

Madoka: Yeah. Like Daigo, except that guy had probably already ruined his life. At least Daigo can get out while he still can and make something better of himself. Salarymen... slaves to the machine that is called "workplace culture".

Kaori: ...You're disturbing me.

Madoka: Anyways, I was at a flea market, pawning off old stuff I didn't really need any more. He came in and asked me for a picture to hang up on his home wall.

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