Chapter 39

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Y/N sat at the long table as Soobin continued stirring the pancake batter, like always he was having trouble with it. "Can you help?" He asked smiling as Y/N nodded, she needed to clear her mind anyways. It had been a week since Namjoon and Taehyung had given their lives up for her. And everyday only got worse.

There was a knock on the door and Cl rushed to open the door, with a surprised gasp she hugged the man at the door.

"Oh my fucking god!" She yelled, causing Y/N to stop what she was doing and turn her attention to the front door, all the while Soobin continued to stir with a smile on his face.

As Y/N walked towards he door, she dropped the cup that was in her hand. Her eyes widened as she ran towards the man in glasses with THAT SMILE.

"NAMJOON!" She yelled rushing at him, crying with every fiber in her body. Her body shaking as she never wanted to leave his side ever again. "How, and what? Is this really happening?" She stuttered closing her eyes as she reopened them to still find Namjoon at the door.

Suddenly, another man was standing next to Namjoon, his hair firetruck red as he held a cake in his hands. "Sorry, we're late to the party. Soobin wouldn't let us come any sooner, it was strictly 10 am or else."

"SOOBIN!" Y/n yelled rushing back to the kitchen where Soobin and Beomgyu laughed, while eating strawberries. Their eyes meeting eachothers.

"Yes, yes. Before you get your panties in a bunch, me and Yeonjun were able to heal him. Their soul has been separated from Mark, which was why they were injured severely in the first place. If we didn't notice it, they wouldn't be here right now."

"I love you!" Y/N interrupted giving Soobin a kiss on the cheek, leaving Soobin a blushing mess. "Thank you, thank you!"

As Namjoon and Taehyung said hello to the other members, they knew it was time to give some answers.

" I know you're wondering why we betrayed you all in the first place." Namjoon stated.

A serious looking Jin nodded, still not over the fact that Namjoon had betrayed them all.

"Well, it was because when we were younger we made a pact with Mark. He was very powerful for his age, and we wanted some. So he promised us, he would help us get stronger by bonding us to himself. But, if he died, we would die, and if we died he would die. So at first we thought it was a good idea." Taehyung agreed.

"Until, we met Y/N. Who he was after. He knew all along you weren't just some girl going around breaking everybody's jaw. He knew you had some special powers." Namjoon continued. "But when we started to get close to you, we didn't want to do it anymore. We thought it was pointless. But the bond was sealed, and we couldn't get out of it."

Yoongi nodded. "Very stupid and deadly decision. I'm glad you managed to learn from it since then."

Namjoon and Taehyung nodded, while Jin stood up, his eyes directly on Namjoon. At first, Jin seemed angry in which made Namjoon gulp, but instead of a slap to the cheek, Jin leaned in and kissed him.

Y/N smiled, this was how it was meant to be. Now she was just glad it was over with. However she saw Taehyung shift in his seat.

"I know not all will be healed between me and Jungkook, but I want you to be happy with him. He deserves it, you deserve it. I know it sounds weird coming from me, especially, but you know." Taehyung replied, breaking the silence, making Jungkook nod.

"I won't say i forgive you completely, but I see where all that was coming from. Thank you brother." Jungkook responded.

"Well, how about we go make some human food!" CL yelled as the rest nodded in agreement.

"My girlfriend makes the best pizza." Hoseok said, his pride raising. 

"I get it from the box you idiot!" Cl stated with a giggle.

Hoseok stared wide eyed. "You do what?"

Everyone chuckled at Hoseok's confusion, and went to do their own thing. 

"You never told me that."

"I thought it was obvious."

"No, i just thought you were an amazing cook."

"Well thank you, but i'm not a liar."


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