Chapter 26

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Y/N's running quickly as she feels Jungkook's aura. Her whole body, won't stop, it's almost as if something is smothering her. As she looks back she sees Soobin far behind her.

"Jungkook, please..." She says tears starting to wield in her eyes. She can't help but picture him laying in a pool of blood. It hurts her heart with ever fiber of her being. As she gets to where she feels his aura the most, she is greeted by Jungkook laying slugged against a wall, his eyes closed and his breathing heavy.

"Jungkook!" She screams rushing over to him, picking his head up with her tan hands and scanning every part of his body. He is wounded severely, he tries to open his eyes, however he has no strength.

"Please. Jungkook, wake up.." She says her heart pounded out her chest, These strong feelings she never thought she had, suddenly emerge and she's crying like a baby.

A burst of energy hits him, as he jolts. His eyes open wide as he takes in the girl he loves most crying. His name leaving her pale lips as she looks at the ground. 

"Y/n.." He asks, still out of breath, but able to utter that name. 

"Kook!" She yells, grabbing his face in her hands and giving him a hard, long kiss. 

The kiss itself is perfect as the two lock lips and let out their inner frustrations, this has been a long awaited moment, in both their lives. As Jungkook pulls away, a dark figure watches their every movement.

Mark knows that he needs to leave, Jungkook's strength is back, and more feirce than ever. For now, he will wait, and try to get Y/N all alone, little does anyone know, that Mark has verified Y/N, but not as prey, something more vengeful. 

He smirks as he wipes his mouth, and disappears into thin air, leaving nothing but a cloud of thick smoke.

Not All Hunt At Night| Jungkook FF 21+ (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now