Chapter 32

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"Namjoon!" CL gasped, feeling her strength getting pulled out of her. How had he betrayed the girl he adored the most? Didn't he feel protected by her? It pissed her off more than it should've and she felt her strength grow, only meaning one thing. 

"Hoseok.." She stated, a soft whisper filling the empty room.

Y/N sat at the bar her hair pulled into a tight bun as she drank the last droplets of blood. Her strength was regained as she felt her headache cease.

"That was fucking disrespectful."  Taehyun said, his eyes red, but calming down as his boyfriend Beomgyu place a gentle hand on his shoulder. 

"Calm down Taehyun. It was bond to happen."

Jungkook re enters the room, his hands by his sides as he sees Y/N smile at him. His heart flutters as he accidentally trips over a trashcan. Yeonjun and Soobin burst into laughter, as Jungkook looks away embarassed.

"What was that all about?" Soobin jokes, feeling Yeonjun's hand slide up to pinch his ass.

"You know damn well!" Yeonjun answers chuckling at Soobin's pained state. 

"Anyways, shall we get ready for war?' Yoongi states, his eyes growing dark.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asks, his face red with shock.

"You don't really think all is resolved here?" Yoongi asks, propping himself up at the table.

"But where is Hoseok and Namjoon?" Kook asks, his face serious as the situation got worse.

"I have no idea. Namjoon said he was just going out for a little." Jin replied, obviously worried for his boyfriend. "But he hasn't been replied to my texts."

"I think, we may have a situation on our hands." Yeonjun stated.

"What type?" Hueingkai asked.

"Betrayal." Yoongi replied, standing up. 

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