Chapter 22

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Y/n awoke to the rise and fall of Jungkook's chest underneath her. It was quite peaceful, and she had no desire to get up, but the sudden need to pee pulled her out of her trance. "eww, I wanted to stay cuddled next to that?" She said out loud, her head pounding from over sleeping.

Was that normal, and could that actually happen? Oh well, she thought rushing to the bathroom. It seemed that Jungkook was healed now, but where did everyone go? CL came in with Jungkook, Yoongi and Jimin went upstairs, but wait.. what day was it?

She sighed and finished her business, washing her hands and looking in the mirror. She felt a pair of eyes on her, and couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching her. 

But when she turned she saw a familiar man, she knew him from TXT, what was his name again? But then it dawned on her, he was standing there the whole time she went to use the bathroom.

"Hey you pervert!" She shouted, punching him, only to have it blocked by his hand. 

"Calm down, I wasn't even looking." He said, his silvery blue hair glistening in the lighting. 

"Who the hell do you think you are?" She asked gritting her teeth. 

"I'm Choi Soobin, leader of the TXT squad, also the tallest in Hybe. Nice to meet you sugar tits." He said winking.

"You dare call me sugar tits!" Y/N shouted, pulling her fist free and attempting to punch him in his gut. 

"Careful. You're still weak. I wouldn't try anything right now." He chuckled, side stepping her attack and placing his huge hand on the back of her neck. "Say, aren't you... Y/N?"

"Yes, I am. Now, can you tell me why you were standing there watching me do my thing?" Y/N asked crossing her arms across her chest.

"I wasn't watching, and I was sent to guard you. But from the looks of it, you can take care of yourself, but i'm also here to tell you that you're life is in danger."


"Are you that stupid?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"You. Are. In. Danger. Meaning, someone is trying to get you verified."

"What the hell does verified mean?"

"It means, that once they verify you as their prey, they lock onto you, stealing your soul and your power. Make sense?"

"Yes..." She said, her fear slowly rising. 

"Anymore questions?"


"Good, now shut up and let's get something to eat."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." Soobin replies leading you into the kitchen.

Not All Hunt At Night| Jungkook FF 21+ (Finished)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon