"Hi Martha, I'm sorry I haven't stopped by for over two years, things have been very hectic at home. I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, we called her Nesrin, I hope you like the name. You see Martha, it's been very hard for me to look after her, it just seems like she doesn't like me, she always cries when I hold her or when I try to do anything with her, I just don't understand why. I haven't been the same ever since our Danny died, I've been drinking any chance I get, I only leave my bed to sort the kids out and when I cook food for the house, other than that, I just lay in bed. I haven't been going to work because it's too draining. Everyone I cast family just keeps dying, and sometimes I feel like it's my fault. I really miss you Martha, and I hope you and Danny are looking down on me." Libitina said, tears falling out of her hazel eyes.

John walked up to Libitina to tell her everyone was going to the betting den because someone blew up the Garrison. Libitina stood up and said her goodbye's to her best friends grave, turning around and intertwining her hands with John's, walking away and back to Small Heath.

Libitina was sitting in John's office with him, not wanting to be alone, the kids being at home with the nanny.

"Finn, come in here." John shouted. "Finn, hold the phone, come here." John got out of his seat and walked out of the office to do god knows what.

"Polly. Did he say who did it?" John questioned his aunt.

"He's gone to the Black Lion." Polly stated, dogging his question.

"On his own?"

"Tommy does everything on his own." Polly answered.

"Should I go up there?" He asked.

"What?" She asked not hearing him.

"Should I go see him?" John repeated.

"No! You need to go look after Libitina John, she hasn't been doing well since Danny died two years ago." She answered.

"Where the fuck is Arthur?"

"Protecting the Garrison's whiskey from the police."

"For fuck sake." John said, closing the door's connected to betting den when him and Polly got into the kitchen.

"Polly." John started. "Feels like things are getting out of hand." He finished.

"So, get 'em in hand." She stated.

"Know what Ada said to me this morning?" John asked. "She said we all look like we work in a factory under the ground. She said we look like ghosts."

"She'll be back." Polly said.


"When she needs us."

"And anyway, who the fuck would blow up our pub?" John questioned.

"Six." Polly said.

"Six what?" John asked, confused.

"Six questions since you walked through that door." Polly answered. "Soon you'll have to start being the man with the answers."

BRUTAL LOVE || JOHN SHELBYWhere stories live. Discover now