"Let's just say I have my ways, and maybe I will evaluate that in the mere future." I said. "Until then, focus on right now and give me your answers."

This time Draken spoke up. "I'm in on that. Why not have some fun? It's the day before New Years. Gotta get the celebration started somehow." I nodded in agreement to what he said.

"Seeee? Ken just got back and he is already better than all of you combined. You guys need to think more like him." I said.

Yuzuha sighed and said, "Fine whatever. Might as well so he won't hound us about it forever." Hakkai was on board with whatever Yuzuha put out there, now it was just Inui's response I was waiting for.

Inui knows how we got to this point, but I want him to be there to enjoy the fun even if he's a little pissed at me right now.

"Come on Inupiiiii. You know you want to agree, so just say yes." I said, egging him on. With a roll of his eyes, Inui sighed.

"Fine, whatever. Better be lucky I love you." he agreed. I knew Inui couldn't try to be mad at me forever, plus who else is going to keep an eye out for me tonight? (Taiju. That's who.)

I wrapped my arms around Inui's neck from across the desk and said, "Yay! I love you too Inupiii." Inui wrapped his arms around me to return the hug then let me pull away shortly after.

"Oh also, it's a club. I expect you guys to be pulling up in your most top tier fits," I checked my phone, "In about two hours. Sorry for the late notice. I'll see you guys later." I said, walking out of the shop.


As soon as I got back to my apartment, I immediately started getting ready for the night ahead of me.

I took a shower before I did some light makeup to go with the setting, and decided on an outfit that's club worthy; not too out there, but still screams 'I'm here for a good time'. I did my hair in a style where it wouldn't get in my way during the night.

The two hours seemed to have flew by, because as I was finishing up, Taiju sent me a text letting me know that he was going to send someone over to my place to escort me to the club.

'Okayyy, rich and fancy man.' I thought. Once I finished getting ready, I walked down to the front of my complex to wait for the driver.

After a couple of minutes, the driver arrived in a long, black limousine. 'Taiju is one extra ass motherfucker.' I thought as the driver had got out of the car and opened my door for me as a kind gesture.

I muttered a thank you as I got in, but I wasn't expecting the younger Shiba siblings along with Draken and Inui to be in the limo.

"I didn't know you guys were getting picked up as well." I said. "It can't be much of a surprise knowing that me and Hakkai are the siblings of the person who owns this vehicle, now can it?" Yuzuha said with a smile.

I nodded at Yuzuha's obvious answer as I settled down beside Inui. "Now, shall we get an early head start on the party guys?" I asked, referring to the small minibar that was in the limo.

Everyone cheered in agreement as I poured us some drinks. It would be a while before we got to where we needed to be, so why not have a little fun beforehand?


We had finally made it to the club around 8 pm.

Everyone that was along for the ride was a bit tipsy, but we were (kind of) managing to keep our composure.

And by everyone, I mainly mean me and Yuzuha.

We all stumbled out of the limo making our way towards the doors of the club.

Taiju's Toy ♡ | *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now