Episode 189: Lincoln's Insecurity...

Start from the beginning

Lily and April: *ugly crying* THAT WAS SO BEAUTIFUL!!

The Antagonists:

Emily: Why are you guys laughing?!

Quico: Because he's not special!

Reina: Yeah! All he's good at is being a simp! *rich girl laugh*

Kirara: That was your fault, Reina! You CURSED him to be a simp!

Ira: Not to mention that Rachel dumped him for being so lame! HA!

Julie: Yeah! And he's so boring that he had to settle with dating a crybaby just so he could stop being a Virgin! HA!

Lincoln: *starts crying*


Lori, Luna, Lily and Leni:

Julie: AH CRAP...

Julie: Owwwww...

Lori: No one disrespects our little bro and gets away with it, BIATCH!!

Clara: There there, Lincoln. It's OK...

Karen: Lincoln, why are you even getting upset by their words?

Lincoln: It's not that they're saying it. It's the fact it's true...

Ami: Hey, don't say that, Lincoln! You're totally special!

Lincoln: Ami, what have I ever accomplished on my own?

Nozomi: Well, you managed to beat SpongeBob in ratings! That's an achievement-

Lincoln: I said on my own...

Nozomi: Oh. Well...

Kirara: You're super adorable!

Lincoln: Am I really?

Kirara: Of course you are!

Emily: Come on! Show us a smile! If you frown, your smile will disappear! Come on! Smile, smile! 😊

*Emily starts tickling Lincoln*

Lincoln: *uncontrollable laughter* Stop it!!

Emily: Not until you're happy again!

Lincoln: Ok! Ok! I'm happy now!!

*Emily stops tickling*

Emily: Works every time! Now don't you feel better, Linky?

Lincoln: Yeah. Thanks, Em.

*Emily gives Lincoln a big hug*

Emily: You don't need to be super skilled at something to be special, Lincoln!

Patty: Yeah! We all love you for who you are!

Chavo: That's True, That's True, That's True!

Lincoln: Thanks guys! Seeing you all care about me so much just fills my heart with so much joy!

*Lincoln starts hugging everyone. Except for Ira and the antagonists of course*

Deondre: That's really sweet of you guys to comfort Lincoln like that! In any case, I'll be off now. Later!

April: Bye sweetie!

*Deondre kisses April and leaves the studio*

Iona: Well then, that's all the time we've got for today's episode of Ask or Dare: Cartoon and Anime All-Stars. Thanks for reading and farewell.

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