Gamers Club ~Preview~

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Me: fine... i'll bring back dinner, we can celebrate with a night in.

Glimpse #2:

Miko: oh hush i look hot today and i wont let this outfit go to waste.

she said grabbing her phone and popping my butt making her mug her while sipping my drink.

Miko: wow so many wondering eyes today Sis, Your outfit seems to be on point as well.

i frowned looking around me, noticing a few guys looking away just as quick as we made eye contact.

I groaned

Me: i knew i should have worn something else.

Miko: nonsense your fine, plus you have great legs i'm honestly shocked you've never warn this fit before, but then again. your never out.

She snatched my phone out of my back pocket.

I gasped

Me: MIKO!!!

Miko: oh shush, pose! i wont let your outfit go to waste either.

i groaned before striking a quick pose and smiling.

She handed me my phone and we both looked at it in aww

Miko: dude!! you have to post it

i was a bit complacent.... i haven't posted a new picture to my feed in so long.

just then we heard someone yelling my name


Looking up i watched as Lucas came jogging over towards me a bright smile on his face. i instantly became embarrassed as his eyes roamed me up and down.

this was way different from my work attire

Lucas: wow seeing you out of the office setting is truly a blessing

He said wiggling his eyebrows causing miko to laugh and me to roll my eyes at him.

Miko nudged me

Miko: OO jiji whose this hottie??

he winked at her

Me: actually Miko this is who i had spoken to you about a few times, my work friend Lucas. Who is spoken for by the way.

i nudged her back.

Me: and lucas this is my best friend, i've mentioned on occasion. Miko

They shook hands before he pulled her into a hug

Lucas: OHH??? the famous Miko. I've heard so much about you

she cheesed

Miko: like wise... so sad that i was never informed you were taken, nor did she mention how good looking you are

She mugged me. Before biting her lip at him.

He chuckled.

Lucas: I'm flattered really. There's never anything wrong with wondering eyes now is there. Between you and me. Both my partner and I are Bisexual so... if you wouldn't mind sharing there's always hope.

He said failing to whisper to her.

She gasped giggling and i mugged them pulling them apart.

Me: I almost threw up in my mouth stop it. Cant believe how much you two act a like. you just met gosh.

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