" What a fucking clutz! I mean really, it's not that complex; one foot in front of the other, left, right, left, right. She's such a joke!" Roxanne's squeaky voice boomed through the seemingly empty washroom. I felt tears start to frame my face again.

"You're so right Roxy, like, who does that!? I wish I had a camera, because the look on her face was price-lussss!" That was Melanie, I could tell by the way she exagerated all of her words. I could hear Roxanne smirk, as she started to slowly walk past each stall door.

"Acting, just isn't for everyone, you know guys?" She wasn't saying this to the girls that were with her, she was saying it to me.

"It's sad, but the world isn't made for certain people. Maybe, she should get into modeling! I'm sure that she would blow the competition away in the plus size category! They probably wouldn't even notice how close together her eyes are, or the fact that her ass really is the size of Mexico."

What a bitch! She would win the award for bitchiest, meanest, cruelest person of the century, hands down. I close my eyes and try to picture Roxanne's neck inbetween my hands as I crush all the words out of her mouth, so that all that is left is a body with no purpose in life, and eyes that cannot kill you upon glance.

"She's such a little slut, too. I heard that she banged every other guy on the basketball team. She's probably crawling with herpes and crabs!" Melanie sounded like she could not resist holding back. "Such a fucking loser, and a lost cause." Roxanne replied with the same evil sound in her voice.

"Let's go back girls, so I can show Mr.Greene what a true actor looks like."

For a few seconds, I just stay on the toilet; partly in shock from what Roxanne said, and partly in shock because I believe it. I slowly step down and brush myself off. As I unlock the stall door I notice the graphity that covers the walls and toliet paper despener. In big, black letters on the door is written, "Devyn Miller is a fat skank. Stay away from her, uglyness is contagious, bitch." I push open the door with more force than is needed. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and when I am pleased that I look somewhat presentable I make my way out of the washroom. I hate that girl so much. I hate her with every bone in my body. There is just no other way to say it; I hate her.

Just as I open the door, I collide with a guy who had been walking in the same direction. The books that he had been holding fall on the floor, and I notice that they are all pretty much empty; new kid. His cheeks are a little red, but he doesn't look embarressed; he looks confident. And cute. Really cute. His curly hair is a milk chocolate brown, and his green eyes are mesmorizing, like I'm looking into a puddle that seems like the reflection is going on for miles and miles. Boys are far from my top priority right now, but I can't help myself from sneeking peeks at him. I, on the other hand, look completley inferior next to him. He gets up and brushes himself off. He offers me his hand, and I take it greatfully.

"Sorry about that, it was totally my fault." His voice is also mesmorizing.

"No, it wasn't. I should've been watching where I was going." I can't help myself when I check him out. He's about 5'11, about 8 inches taller than me. He's not built, but not scrony ither. He's kind of that happy medium. "I'm Adam by the way. I'm new here."

"Oh, cool." I have absolutley no idea what to say. "Well, I've, got to get back to class. Maybe I'll see you around." I turn to leave just as he touches my arm. I feel my whole body tingle with goosebumps.

"I was wondering if you could help me find my next class? I'm so lost."

"Sure, what class do you have?" I try my hardest to sound as casual as possible.

"Um," he pulls out a blue timetable from his back pocket, "Stage Drama, with Mr.Greene."

My heart Skips a beat. "Oh, really? That's the class that I have right now."

"Sweet! At least I know one person in that class now." His smile is so overbearing that I feel myself start to smile too. I notice that he starts to really look at me. "You okay?" He says it like he actually cares. "Yeah, I'm fine." I say it with a smile, but I can tell he's not believing my bullshit, but he's smart enough to not say anymore about it.

"We'd better get to class, Mr.Greene hates when people are late to his class. He says it upsets his dramatical flow."

Adam laughs. He has the most beautiful laugh I have ever heard. "God forbid."

We start walking down the hall in a carefree way, like neither of us mind that we're late for Almighty Mr.Greene's class. We get to the door and just before I open it, I turn to him.

"I'm Devyn, by the way."

He takes the door knob from my hand and slowly pulls open the door. "Shall we?"

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