[82] in a dating scandal with you, their bff

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Seventeen: when they get into a dating scandal with you who is their bff

written in the context that a news reporter set the claim/started the rumor.

laughs at the news report that you and he are dating because they find it ridiculous and amusing (with the possibility of going live and telling the world that you two are just dorky best friends): jun, minghao, seungkwan, vernon, dino

while watching the news, turns to you and says, “why not make it come true?”: seungcheol, jeonghan, hoshi, mingyu

calls you to see how you react to the scandal before saying anything: joshua, wonwoo, woozi, seokmin


Jun, Minghao, Seungkwan, Vernon, Dino: Since you two are best friends, they would find it so funny. The first funny thing about it is that you two are friends, not lovers. The second funny thing is probably because the reporters who caused the scandal to break out did not do their research properly and revealed something false. I think they draw the line between friendship and romance thus why they would possibly address the scandal themselves and tell the world that you two are nothing but extremely good friends, allowing you two to keep a good friendship.

Seungcheol, Jeonghan, Hoshi, Mingyu: They would probably be watching the news with you, on the couch or something; either that or they give you a call. I think they would be half-joking and half-serious when they ask “why not make it come true?”. They would wait for your reply before they say anything else. So, what do you say as their bff?

Joshua, Wonwoo, Woozi, Seokmin: These guys are extremely cautious when it comes to you, their best friend. They don't want to say anything or act out of hand even when the two of you are caught in a scandal together because they value what you think. They constantly wonder if you'd find the news a nuisance, humiliating, awkward, or funny, so they give you a call and react based on how you do.

requested by Anonymous on Tumblr

© srnity-svt

a/n: In The Soop made me cry. + I am going to binge D.P and customize my wallpaper/widgets since a new month is coming~ + I need to finish that Dino fic- I can feel the end is near but I think it'll take 3-4 more days if I work on it consecutively...

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