They went up to the door where the security was standing. Libitina did as she was told and told the security the false story and then they were let in. They were standing on the second floor watching the jazz dancers dance on the stage and the couples dance on the floor.

"I still prefer The Garrison." Tommy stated over the loud music.

Libitina looked at him and laughed. "Yeah same to be honest, this is too posh for me."

"Do you dance?" Tommy asked.

"If I'm asked properly." Libitina stated.

"Lady Sarah of Connemara, will you dance with me?" Tommy joked.

Libitina nodded with a smile and put her hand in Tommy's, they walked down the stairs to the dance floor and started dancing. Tommy and Libitina looking for Billy Kimber.

"The table next to the bar Tommy." Libitina said pointing towards the table.

"Roberts, the Peaky Blinders are here." Billy stated to the man seated next to him.

"I told you, Mr Kimber. He's got some balls that one." Roberts answered.

"And she's got some body, that one." Billy said pointing towards Libitina.

Tommy walked over to the door that was connected to the outside when he expected Arthur to turn up. As Tommy opened the door Arthur was standing there with bags of cash.

"We chased the Lees across the track and down Devon Road. We got every penny back." Arthur told Tommy.

"Nice dress, you look beautiful. You can wear that to my pub Lib." Arthur stated.

"Yeah alright Arthur your not looking too bad ya self." Libitina said winking at Arthur.

"Buy the boys a drink. Anyone hurt?" Tommy asked.

"Nah a few cuts and bruises." Arthur informed his brother.

Tommy patted his brother on the arm and turned to Libitina.

"Off we go Lady Sarah." Tommy joked.

"Bye Arthur, love ya." Libitina said.

"Yeah, love ya too." Arthur said before leaving.

"Your money, Mr Kimber." Tommy said putting all the bags down.

"Rescued from the Lee brothers. And returned to you with a request for fair hearing."

"Your own protection is failing, Mr Kimber. Your boys are taking cuts. I want to suggest from now on, your contract out your racetrack security to the Peaky Blinders. We would serve you a lot of money, Mr Kimber. A lot of money." Tommy requested.

"In return, you give us, five percent of the take. And three legal betting pitches at every race meeting, north of the River Severn, rising to six after one year if we are all satisfied with the service. What do you say, Mr Kimber?" Tommy asked.

"I say you talk business with my accountant. I want to dance." Billy stated as he stood up to walk to Libitina.

"Your man said it was alright for me to have this dance." Billy said.

"Mr Kimber, he's not my man." Libitina stated.

He held out his hand and Libitina took it and smiled. They danced at a slow pace never leaving each others gazes.

"How many men can you put in the field at one time?" Roberts asked Tommy.

"There's a lot of men out of work at the moment. Two guards for every bookie." Tommy stated.

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