𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮-𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

Start from the beginning

He passed her a large paper that had been a drawing of the control panel for the play, "You should catch on pretty quick as long as you did okay in physics."

"I did fantastic in physics." Nova answered, looking over the paper a second longer, "Thanks, Big Red."

But it was impossible to not realize she'd been bummed out about this role instead of being on stage.

"Nini!" Carlos snatched the phone from Kourtney as she walked back over, "You are looking at Latinx Lumière!"

"And LeFou!" Big Red added in.

"And Chip!" Seb was next.

"And Babette see feather duster." Gina gave a chuckle with a wave of her hands, a change in her tone.

"Wait, what are you doing?" Carlos laughed at her.

"A French accent?" Gina asked with a odd look.

"Oh, G." Nova shook her head and rubbing her back with a laugh.

"Nova, who'd you get?" Nini asked from the other line as the table went oddly silent, "Hello?"

"I didn't audition this semester." Nova shrugged with cringe worth, fake enthusiasm in her tone, "Have to focus on other things, you know?"

"Oh!" Nini tried to sound proud from the other line, "Of course, totally get that."

"Nini! What's going on at your big fancy boarding school right now?" Ashlyn broke the awkwardness quickly, "Make is jealous."

"Oh, um, nothing nearly as exciting as what's going on with you!" she called from the other line and Ashlyn sat down at a different booth. Novas phone buzzed, making her look down.

"Everything okay?" EJ asked her in questioning.

"Yeah, dad is just having a late night at the office again." Nova reassured with a nod of her head, "Wanted to remind me to lock up."

"How is it still living over at the lake house in this weather?" Seb asked, taking a slice of pizza, "You can come stay in the barn."

"Oh, honey, she is not staying in the barn." Carlos shook his head and rubbed his back.

"It's fine as long as I don't sleep walk out to the water again." Nova nodded her head with a chuckle, "This has happened."

"This has happened?" Gina gapped.

"Yes, it has." EJ shook his head and gave a worried expression, "Gave me a heart attack."

"EJ I think you're getting stress winkles." Carlos laughed at him.

"Maybe he needs a chill pill." Big Red suggested.

"Before you get desert, mom gets a picture." Big Reds mom walked back over, laying the cupcakes down on the table. Big Red tried to protest, "That's the rule!"

"Watch those hands, Kourtney." Nova joked as they all leaned in close, getting a slap in her arm before smiling widely up at the camera.

"EJ, do you wanna watch a movie or just go to sleep?" Nova called as she walked through the hallway, heading toward the living room after putting up the few cup cakes they stole, "EJ!"

"Yeah, i'm coming!" he called from up stairs, running down the stairs in the process of yanking a shirt over his head, "What happened?"

"Nothing." Nova said, looking up the staircase at his sleeping attire, "I asked if you wanna watch a movie or if you're tired?"

He gave a sigh of relief, "I didn't hear that."

Nova gave a frown, seeing the amount of distress in his face, "Can we talk about this?"

Crazy Ex| EJ Caswell Where stories live. Discover now