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Luke was right I should sit down. No. I'm tired of feeling I'm someone's toy to just play around with and get throw away, maybe I was right moving away here was a bad idea. After all it's not too late to go back to my mothers if she has changed in the past months. It suddenly got quiet i felt all the guys eyes practically burning through me. "Are you just going to stand there act like an idiot or sit?", Luke says. What an asshole. "Yeah whatever this isn't over hemmings", my eyes my eyes cocked tightening even more, Calum getting more aggravated by each word that came out of Luke's mouth. It only hurt grace that cal and Luke are starting to hate each other more recently, Calum losses his Appetite to eat breakfast making him starve more and more to the point where he wants to yell at luke instead. "I'm out of here eat without me!", grace huffs hearing her voice break from her words. Calum turns rolling his eyes towards Luke catches up with her, he didn't seem to care what he had that grace was having with Luke but wanted to be a good boyfriend. He ends up walking more seeing grace sitting down by a beach near by a bus stop, "I know your mad please come back and eat with us", he reached down to touch her shoulder she turns quickly. "I practically embarrassed myself why the hell would I go back?!", her tone changes to sadness. Calum tried to cheer her up but nothing was clicking he was lost he didn't know what to do other then give her an advice instead.

Obviously he didn't know what was actually going on like he is himself

"Can you tell me what's been going on?, when you left the room?", Calum asks kindly sitting. Please go away. Please don't. "I don't want you to worry about it, it's my fault i let this happen", grace says un sure what she is even saying. "Is it a big deal to even fuss about?", Calum says with more concern looks he makes. "It's not promising if I tell you but I'll tell you soon", Calum raised an eyebrow and kept getting more scared. ''is there a point where your going with this?'', he finally asks one last time. grace looked up at him shaking her head, she felt more negatively then wanting what she didn't want to lose.

''so Luke what have you been really doing besides chilling?'', ashton asked beside him, ''kicking rocks and regrets'', luke silenced himself. ''mate you alright?, what do you mean by regrets?'', michael said. ''about grace i shouldn't have pushed her too hard on me i knew from the beginning it was going to happen, im such an idiot does she still love me?'', luke asks sharing of empathy. michael and ashton look at eachother exchanging looks as they look back at luke, ''we aren't too sure mate our job is not to keep you updated if she still into you'', ashton says softly. luke gave out a long sight turning back seeing grace and calum outside sitting on a bench. as his eyes even tightens more with anger as ever. "Luke you good mate?", Michael asks. He turns around letting out a smile, "yeah whatever", he says.

Luke is such a drama king

"So I was thinking tonight we should all have a game night!", Michael says happily. "Thats sounds cool what game?", Ashton asked. "I don't know I was thinking truth or drink?", Michael shrugs. "You know what why not this should be fun", Ashton smiles. Luke looks away for a second and turns back "can I be allowed to ask questions too?", "yes Luke everyone is going to have a turn", Michael says taking a sip of his orange juice. He looks back to the window where Calum and grace sat. They start to get up going back inside, "sorry we took long had the food came get?", Calum asks. "Not yet but it should be any minute", Ashton says. "Looks like you need a good time what do you say we have a game night?", Michael asks grace. Her eyes spread sparkles nodding her head, "yeah I'm so down". She smiles. "I'm going to have to pass", Calum says. "Nobody asked if you wanted to join either way it's not like you have other things to do", Luke says meanly, "why are you being an asshole all of a sudden? Nobody needs your comments", grace defended Calum. Luke looked directly through her eyes like lurking into her soul, "I think it's time that you finish where you left off a few months ago", grace's face turned red trying so hard not widen her eyes as if her life is over. "Ugh Luke why you must bring the past?, I though you were so over it?", Michael questions him. it seemed that he wasn't so obviously he's going to put her to the test, ''not that it isn't our business does it have to do with what happened back then?'', michael asked, luke suddenly turned his head so fast to him. ''no it isn't beside im way over it'', he chuckles.

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