L a u r e n   P o v

The next day I felt myself stuck down to something I wasn't aware of my eyes slowly start to open by hearing the sounds of cars honking and stopping every second. It was quiet inside I'm guessing I'm inside a car with someone, without thinking I knew it was my dad of course it couldn't be more obvious. I throw my hands in the air stretching as I open my eyes seeing a new place we are in that caught my eyes to be sparkled.

"We're here what time did we leave?", I ask looking through his mirror.
"Around two in the morning I carried you out of bed grabbed your stuff and left surprisingly your mother didn't wake up", he chuckles.

That demonic laugh of his shows how much he wanted to get away from that house how he showed he wasn't happy either like me.

"And look the new house that I bought has a nice room for you to sleep in which is what you always wanted for a while", he smiles.
"Really? That's awesome I can't wait to see this house this is exciting!", I say returning a smile back at him.
"Keep in mind that this neighborhood is so peaceful and quiet just like we imagined to happen I'm proud of myself", he nods. This was a special moment for him I'm so happy for him he can now live without having to constantly worry every little things for each times he takes out a cigarette.

This house looks amazing every house that we were surrounded by had its own decorations supplies of different paintings that stood out to each houses that looked beautiful. My dad unlocks the door allowing me to take the first step inside our new home I felt happy again. I could tell this was going to be a fresh new start from being depressed, it was bigger then I imagined to be. It had its own space allowing us to put whatever we want. I go upstairs looking through the halls there were only two bedrooms and a bathroom on our own rooms. This genuinely made me smile to the feeling I now have my own privacy without being barged in caring less for anyone to knock. I look through the window I see next door a blond guy who had good skin looked like my age but much older who lived right next to me. There wasn't any chance he would be able to talk to me all my fantasy for guys like him ridiculously start to come back knowing nothing will happen.

"Hey dad I'm going to un pack my stuff and go outside for a bit", I say as he just nods un packing his stuff,

The weather was warm as it usually was back at Amsterdam but much warmer the sky looked blue as the ocean the wind blows softly it was wonderful feeling like this made me feel confident that California was a new home.
I get out my journal as I start to write on it I feel a shadow figure just standing in front of me waiting to look up for my attention.

"Hey your the new neighbor that everyone had been talking about", his voice sounded like a soft but strong accent that was noticeable to understand from the u.k.
I finally put my book down and see a tall guy who looked six feet tall had black streaks hair with a good looking face.

He seemed like a nice guy his voice was very smoothing then any other guy that a girl wants to be with to have as there comfort zone.

"Oh yeah I am but how do you know?", I asked him softly.
"In this city everybody knows everyone here it's pretty much getting to know each other well enough to be in your business but don't worry we only know we were having a new neighbor who isn't as terrible as the last one". He chuckles.
"Was that supposed to be a joke?" I questioned him, "isn't it obvious Oh wait you haven't heard the story haven't you?", he says.
"No what?" I asked. "Before you moved here there was a crazy chick who lived with her mom both of them acted the same when she went to my school she would hit on all the male teachers thinking she would make them fall in love with her which happened of course and tried to do the same to me but ended badly I fell for it", he explains.

"That is crazy why did you even fall for it?", I start to laugh a little.
"Well I though she was into me but turned out she was only using me to get to my best mate Luke who lives right beside you", he points out.
"Oh so that's his name", I say to myself trying not to say it loud.
"Oh I'm Calum, Calum hood", he says as his arm let's go for a greet of welcome.
"I'm Lauren nice to meet you too", I Shake his hand gently.
"I'm guessing we will be seeing each other more at school", he smiled that made me gasped a little how beautiful it is.
"I hope so I just really hope there isn't a toxic waste of time with people who only wants problems", I said.
"Oh no your good no one in my school don't have those type of problems except for fights that happen every week or so". He explains more.
"Calum what the fuck we are waiting on you what's taking so long?", Luke comes out having his voice raised stronger then calum holds.

"Mate don't be rude this is our new neighbor everyone has been talking about", he smiles,
He looks at me as he looks back at him he rolls his eyes.

"Okay so what a pretty chick won't do anything then getting yourself inside rehearsing!", he snaps.
"It's alright it was nice meeting you I have to go back inside either way", I quickly smiled awkwardly as I walk back inside.

C a l u m p o v

We walk inside his house as I greet Liz for a warm hug as she smiled as I followed him from behind the usual from having him to kick my ass again for having to be late at most times since I live two blocks away from his house. The boys were already down there having there instruments ready to play as I grab my bass.

"Cal where were you?", Ashton asks as he plays some beats.
"I just want to say I wasn't late I was meeting Luke's new neighbor next door she's very sweet and nice", I kept a little smile.
"New neighbor you say?", Michael narrows his eyes.
"Guys come on she's new it's no big deal let's just start already", Luke folks his eyes impatiently, "why the mad face Luke?", Ashton questions.
"It's just having to focus on one thing makes it harder to concentrate on the other things you guys are talking at the same time", he exhaled deeply.

"So that's why you were being an asshole to her a warm welcome wouldn't been nice", I say.
"Don't even start I didn't mean to bring my anger on her plus I'm sure she'll forget about it she doesn't know me either way", he laughs.

I just want to hit him even when he thinks he's the big deal makes me a little mad in the inside having not to show it. The worst thing he can do is trying to talk to her without an apology with no hesitation to explain why he did that in front of her. Hearing Luke apologize to a certain person is ridiculously hilarious he hates admitting that he's sorry knowing he doesn't feel bad for what he did or done.
This is why he starts drama with others to make him feel more confident in himself, but knows inside he's a mamas boy he wouldn't do such a thing to hurt anyone.

"Are we going to start or what?", Michael asks impatiently.
"Yes mike it's not like you got better things to do but go on twitch and go days without streaming", Ashton says.
"No that's exactly what I'm going to do you know me so well", he chuckles.
"Alright let's get this show on the road", Luke says.
As we start to play going smoothly Luke was always the lead singer and always will be as for me the bassist and singer that also goes for Michael and Ashton too in most times.

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