21 vegas

21 2 12

Authors note: hey guys before you read this chapter I want you to all know that this is a special chapter I've been writing for a long time taking my own time to do this for you all so I hope you enjoy it :)

My eyes felt heavy almost like I couldn't open my own eyes I can feel I have crusty eyes which every morning I get very often then I felt tapping on my shoulder as I look over rolling over to see Luke dressed up good.

"Good morning princess how'd you sleep?"

"Not good had a nightmare"

"Oh I'm sorry can I make you feel better by going out to get breakfast with the guys?"

"Wait we're having breakfast with... oh I remember now"

"Yeah come on we don't want to run late catching traffic"

"Okay okay let me change real quick"

Lauren gets up stretching as she runs to the bathroom with her bag as she starts putting her makeup with a simple look, she changes her clothes to wearing a comfortable to go to on the way to Vegas knowing the weather would be a waving heat.

"Are you done  yet?"

"Yes just let me finish packing my makeup bag"

"Just saying you don't need makeup you're already perfect"

Lauren steps out the bathroom Luke's face couldn't help but smile taking her hand twirling her around the room

"Okay what has gotten into you this morning?"

Lauren's smile appears as she laughs being in Luke's arms as they pretend to be in a Cinderella movie

"I just feel good when your here you make my whole day complete"

"Come on enough with the romance talk are they on their way?"

"Yeah they said about in a minute"

Before Luke finished his sentence There was a honk on his drive way as they got their stuff as Michael helped them carry it along the trunk it looked full but had more space.

"Hey guys good morning!", Luke says.
"Hey Luke you look like your so ready to hit the pool", Ashton said.
"For sure I'm here for the drinks and the buffet anything that is fun", Luke responds back.
"Oh really I hear there's going to be a wild party going on at the hotel we are staying at", Calum says."I'm also here for it too", Michael says.
"Lauren want to come along?", Ashton asks.
"I'm not sure I never been the type of party person coming back to the room drunk", Lauren says smiling awkwardly.
"Oh come on that's the whole point getting drunk having a good time we took this chance to make it happen", Michael says.
"I'll see I'm not sure it's a 50%", Lauren explains.
"Don't worry I'll convince her I got this", Luke tells Michael with a wink.

Calum looks out the window with his hoodie up having his head against the window as he just scrolls through his Instagram page having his sunglasses on, Ashton stays calm being in charge of the radio station as Michael was the driver.

"I don't think I can last for another six hours in this car with you guys if your all going to be loud", Calum says.
"Awe cal where's your spirit? Are you still mad about what I said to you yesterday?", Ashton says.
"Isn't it still obvious", he says rolling his eyes.
"I will not be taking negative energy from you in this car now be positive", Ashton continues to tell Calum,

Calum shrugs it off and continues to listen to the radio station as Luke had Lauren next to him she looks outside.

"This is boring let's play a game!", Michael shouts.

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