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As class started I chose not to talk to Michael or Calum considering they will ask questions where Luke was last night. It wasn't going to be hard especially being the only girl in a guy group surrounded by less drama and learning to be phased by one of their dirty jokes wasn't an option at this point anymore. As I sat down putting my backpack around my chair Michael and Calum looked at me waiting for a warm greeting but knows I have some things to explain but not sure if it was a really great idea since they weren't into that kind of stuff of knowing too much information.

"So where was he?", Michael says having his shoulder pound to my desk.
"And don't make those bullshit excuses", Calum says.
"Hold up you really think me and Luke did it?", Lauren says quietly.
"Obviously where else would he go on a Friday night sneaking around with?", Michael said.
"Me and Luke hardly talk we don't have nothing serious going on", Lauren says.
"Yeah heard that one before", Michael sassed.
"You guys are being delusional Luke is an asshole and that's all he'll be I'm way out of his league", Lauren says with a hiss voice.
"Woah Luke may be one but why do you have to do him like that? He can't help the fact that he's hopelessly romantic it doesn't give you the right to talk to him like that", Michael raised his voice.
"Then can you stop asking me if I was with him or not because we weren't end of the discussion", Lauren silenced herself.
"Damn no need for the attitude", Calum says under his breath.

Calum seem more concerned more then Michael did which was very suspicious if I didn't think much about it, maybe it didn't seem that important unless he wanted or knew some sort of thing he was hiding behind me or Luke. Don't think too much he's probably jealous having a better connection less then Luke used to talk more. But who knows I'm just a pretty chick with a pretty neck nothing too serious he's nothing special.

"Luke I'm not going to leave you alone if you don't tell me", Ashton says.
"Ash I was at home all night I didn't do nothing last Friday", Luke says annoyed.
"That's not what your Snapchat location said", Ashton said.
"You checked my location?! I though you guys said you were going to stop", Luke raised his eyebrow.
"I'm sorry mate we're only doing this from going anywhere that doesn't involve you trying to go back to your past", Ashton yelps.
"For the last fucking time I didn't go anywhere!", Luke raises his tone to the ceiling almost causing the class to turn to his side.
"Just tell me and I won't ask you again", Ashton grabbed his collar shirt.
"I told you I didn't go anywhere and Lauren is just a pretty chick with a pretty neck she's nothing special to me neither will I be to her", Luke chuckles.
"Wait then why are you friends with her?", Ashton asked.
"Don't worry about it mate she won't be for too long", Luke says hiding his laugh.
"Your not using her right?", Ashton asked quickly.
"Oh please no no you got it all wrong", Luke's face looked more irritated.

"Oh look who it is the girl who moved here for some attention", arzaylea blocks my way.
"Listen I don't want to start any drama", Lauren says.
"Oh please you really think I was going to? No I just want you to know that he's not just using you he's only wanting attention", arzaylea says.
"For gods sake what do you have against him? At least I'm not the one cheating behind his back acting like it's wrong", Lauren says.
"You better watch that tone you won't survive on my watch he doesn't own you both of you won't ever have sex trust me he's not the one honey", arzaylea smiles.
"Oh really what makes you think that?", Lauren scoffs.
"I mean look at you he's got no chance ripping out that body of yours", she laughs.
"Really? Cuz that's not what he told me about you", Lauren mutters.
"What did he tell you? If you don't tell me in the next second your ass will get exposed just like that", arzaylea snaps.
"Right right and that explains your California's nosy bitch in this city makes more sense now", Lauren says in a non meanful way.
"I know you two sneak out doing stuff you shouldn't be doing at his grade he's a senior and your a sophomore that's gross, both of you aren't meant to be with each other", she laughs.
"Look who's talking I'm not the one sleeping around with other guys who hardly feels loved by there own boyfriend thinking he won't love me back everyone knows you so much wanting attention", Lauren rolls her eyes.
"Listen all that you said may be true but at least I have a chance to have his babies", arzaylea smiles evilly.

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