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Song inspired by thin white lies by 5sos

It was almost seven not sure how to explain joya and deya that I was going to be out the whole night if I just leave without telling them where I was might as well get a taste of Deya's and joya's mind.
It was hard to tell them especially how loud their mouths are and how much both of them can read their minds I didn't want to be the one to feel being known as the friend who keeps secrets. If I was that kind friend who had a dirty mind I wouldn't let deya know every little details. Luke on the other hand had showed me some wild things I should have not look in the first place, but I don't care what if it's something I want or crave for more? Do I even know what I want? How heavy our friendship started off weak and shows little by little he's not a mean person. but he sure does know how to turn me on by his face showing the "I want to fuck you" eyes.

"Hey Lauren do you have shy plans later on?", deya asked.
"Yeah I do sorry why?", Lauren asked.
"You're always busy what can you possibly be doing other then hanging out with us?", deya ask concerned.
"I just have stuff to help out my dad", Lauren looks straight to her eyes.
"Sure you do if you don't want to tell me it's fine I'll just stalk you", she laughs.
"Wow that solves everything", Lauren says.
"You can just tell me it's not like your going to go out drinking not the best idea", deya said.
"What are you guys talking about?", joya says taking off her headphones.
"She's going out and she won't tell me where", deya snitches.
"Oh really with who Luke?", joya furrows her eyebrow.
"No with my dad he needs help doing paper work so I'm going to help him I'll be gone the whole night since it's a lot of work", Lauren says.

It doesn't sound too convincing if she was going to help her dad but could she be lying? I think so but we're going to find out either way.

"Girl you don't got to lie Just say your hanging out with Luke", joya says.
Did you guys do it already?", deya asks nosy.
"Wait you two actually did it?!", joya shouts with a surprise look on her face.
"Oh god no you guys know I would never", Lauren spats.
"What are you going to wear them?", Deya says.
"A simple clothing I always wear nothing too special or spicy", Lauren says back.
"I would for Ashton", deya winks.
"I'm pretty sure Ashton would only be interested in girls who likes it soft if you know what I mean", Lauren laughs.
"I can handle it soft but I like it my way considering if he's interested", she smirks.
"Deya?!", joya shouts at her with a disgusted face.
"I know you like him to but you can have the other guy", deya says.
"Calum his best friend I mean he's cute but his friendship with other people seems different", joya says.
"Well I don't know what to tell you either it's him or no one", joya said.
"You guys are being ridiculous you can't be serious", Lauren squints her eyes.
"If we were I would make that one face where it shows you don't want to mess with me taking advantage on it, but anyways I'm hungry I want McDonald's or Taco Bell", deya pounds her lamp shelf.
"Or we can just make you suffer cuz I can't take you", joya said.
"You whore I need to eat or I'll just starve myself and blame my death on you!", deya laughs.

As it got dark out Lauren takes her to go to back pack and sneaks out her window without telling anyone, she carried along a dress her makeup pallet and her boots.

"Luke I'm here", Lauren whispers knocking on his window.
He opens his curtain as he unlocks the front ledge allowing to un lock the window he takes her hand carefully letting herself in his room.
"Hey sweetheart I've been expecting you to be here sooner", he smiles.
"I'm sorry it's my friends are really curious what I was up to", Lauren says.
"Ah you got one of those friends? Let's just hope they don't get to nosy", he says.
"What are we doing either way?", she asked.
"Well I see you got your stuff it tells that you didn't want to change and wait god me to get a Reston from your new fitting outfit", Luke looks at her bag.

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