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Drive by Ashton Irwin inspired series to this book

Authors note: play the song when you get to the bottom scene:)

The sun rises hearing chirping birds awaken as the clouds start to spread everywhere blocking the view

The room was quiet except hearing snores coming from different rooms

My head started to hurt real bad worst then the last one I had I started to feel sick to my stomach I felt like throwing up, I quickly dash to the restroom as I shut the door.

The door opens as someone behind me holds my hair I couldn't tell who it was being busy sick on a toilet

"It's okay let it out take all the time you need"

Now I know it was Michael how did he wake up that quick hearing me vomiting?

Michael helps me putting on a pony tail doing it gently as he rubs my back slowly as I was done I look at him

"Thank you Michael I feel so bad today"
Lauren says

"What's wrong bad headache?"
Michael asks tired still

"Yeah it's worst then the last one I had it hurts so bad"
Lauren complains having her hand touch her hand

"I'm sorry do you want Tylenol or Excedrin?"
Michael asked politely

" Excedrin please"
Lauren said

"First you're not going to stay here come lay in your bed"
Michael says as he had her by his arms

"I think it's best you stay home today I'll tell all your teachers you'll be absent"

"Thank you Mike I didn't drink too much I don't know why I'm feeling like this"

Lauren says being more tired

"You'll be okay I promise all of us going to take care of you and you'll be back on your feet"

Michael says with a smile

Lauren smiles back at Mikey as he goes to his room getting ready as he tells the guys the situation

"Don't feel good today?"
Ashton says coming in looking fresh

"No sorry I won't be able to go"
Lauren says feeling bad

"Don't worry we all need a break once in a while so today just relax"
Ashton smiles

"What about Luke is he going to be okay?"
Lauren asked worried

"Don't worry I got it I'll text you if anything happens"
Ashton says in such a happy mood

Lauren checks her phone as she goes to her period tracker her face was speechless it couldn't be this can't be happening to her

"Fuck I'm such a dumbass!"
Lauren tells herself

She panics trying to find a way to get a pregnancy test but the guys will know it's too obvious and know who the father would be, but if she asked Michael she was sure he wouldn't mind.

She panics trying to find a way to get a pregnancy test but the guys will know it's too obvious and know who the father would be, but if she asked Michael she was sure he wouldn't mind

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