"Wow, that's actually really suprising" I said cause it was, Hinata's father is extremely strict about things and for someone like Kiba to get on his good side is amazing.

"Yeah and so that's why Hinata is like that, also don't be surprised when Kiba invites himself to hang out" he said, and walked back into the cafeteria. I decide not to go back in there and just started to my first class, the bell was about to ring anyway.

~after school~

I walk into my house and straight to my room to take a nap. I've had a long day because we had a ton of pop quizzes, literally in like each class. I laid down on my bed and relaxed, I've never been more comfortable in my life. I felt my eyes starting to get heavy and finally close, but before I could fully fall asleep I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in" I groaned. The door opened and I seen Itachi walk in.

"Well this is out of character for you, why are you so tired?" He asked me.

"Long day" I said.

"Must be tough huh, but I came to check on you. You've been real gloomy" he said sitting on the edge of my bed.

"I miss him"

"I know Sasuke, but you can't let this get you down. I know 4 years seems long but he'll be back before you know it" I sat up and looked at him, he smiled and stood up.

"I promise it'll all be fine Sasuke" he said and walked out, I laid back down and stared at my ceiling. Before I knew it I was passed out.

Naruto's POV~
Gaara has been acting weird lately. I can't really explain it, he seems frustrated and smad? (Sad and Mad) He hasn't been talking to me a lot lately, I wonder if it's schoolwork? Or maybe family problems?  Or maybe...... I don't know.

I decided to text him but he hasn't answered me, it's been almost 3 hours since. I'm worried about him. I will just go and visit his house. I put on my jacket, boots and told my parents I was leaving. As I walked out I grabbed my umbrella since it's always raining, but good thing that Gaara's house is about a 10minute walk from my house.

I told Sasuke about what was happening and he didn't really care haha. Everyday I text him I get sad, I miss seeing his face everyday and hanging out in the treehouse, I blushed remembering the last time we were there. I really want to go back, it hasn't even been a whole year but my parents keep telling me the same thing 'four years will go by fast, we'll be back before you know it', but it doesn't feel that way. Everyday feels so long and even though I've made friends here it doesn't compare to back home, all my old friends are back in Konoha. The worst is that we can't even leave here for a summer vacation because work and business.

Believe me, I've tried to get the whole family business concept thing but I just cannot understand it. I don't get why I had to move to this place just to make a contract with another business, what's the point? All of Konoha is basically owned by us since we keep making contracts but now with this place?!? It honestly pisses me off, Amegakure isn't even that special, there's only small grocery stores, huge and random steel towers, one school and random shops for visitors. This place doesn't even get visitors though since it's always raining. It is a big place but there's nothing.

I shooed away my thoughts when I realized I was near Gaara's house, I walked up the driveway and knocked on the door. Granny Chiyo opened the door and welcomed me in.

"Hello Naruto" she said

"Hey granny! Where's Gaara?" I asked, I didn't want to visit I just wanted to check on him.

"He's in his room, but he has been acting a little different lately, so be careful" she said. You might be wondering why she told me to be careful, well Gaara has little anger issues and he can be dangerous at times, but I can handle it.

I thanked granny and went into his room, no I'd don't knock cause I knew he wouldn't answer.

"GET OUT!" He yelled, immediately when I opened the door. I quickly shut it so no one would hear him yelling. He sat up from his bed and realized it was me.

"Naruto?" He said, calming down a bit.

"You weren't answering my texts" I said walking towards his bed and sitting down.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He sighed and shifted next to me.

"Remember that online friend I told you about?"

"Yeah, Lee right?"


"What happened? You look like he died or something...."

"OMG DID HE DIE?!?" I yelled. No wonder he was depressed.

"No Naruto, he didn't die" he said


"Recently I've been too scared to talk to him and I just know that he's moved on" Gaara frowned.

"Well why are you scared to talk to him?" I asked, patting his back.

"I want to ask him out, but I think he'll reject me or worse" he said, I felt bad since I imagine it'd be pretty hard to ask someone out over the phone, especially when you haven't met them.

"I think you should just do it before it's too late, I don't think he's moved on but what if he thinks you're avoiding him" Gaara perked up and looked at me.

"Oh no" he grabbed his phone and immediately started typing. I watched him type out the words 'Lee, will you go out with me?' Obviously I didn't intervene even though that's a weird way too word it out, but this is his thing.

He took a moment to send the text but after staring at it for almost 5 minutes he sent it and threw his phone, it didn't break but not a minute later he got a notification. He stared at the phone on the ground then at me.

"Pick it up" he told me.


"Yes you, I'm too afraid" he said. I walked over to the phone and picked it up.

"Ok, now read what he said but not out loud" I read the text.

"Did you read it?" He asked.

"Yeah" I said.

"Can you read it to me?"


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