Chapter 13

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Pope came running over panicking and screaming JJ's name. Natalie started to worry as JJ asked him what's wrong. He didn't answer at first till Natalie being smart enough she realised Rafe, Topper, and Kelce were right.

'So you did sink my brother's boat huh.' Natalie spoke before Pope did. Pope and JJ were throwing apologies after apologies at the girl. Natalie just stayed silent nodding her head.

'And then they mad dogged me and we're so sorry Nat. Nat? you don't look upset.' Pope slowed down as he and JJ looked at the girl confused. They tried reading her empty expression.

'Oh am I suppose to care about what you did or?' Natalie finally spoke up as both the boys stopped panicking.

'So you're not upset?' JJ asked. Natalie nodded a no as JJ hugged her tightly.

'Natalie Harper Thornton I fucking love your calm ass.' JJ spoke as Natalie snorted a laugh out.

'My brother deserves it. But I'm not getting involved in this little game. I don't know shit alright.' Natalie explained as the two boys agreed. JJ brought up how Pope got mad dogged by Rafe and Natalie's brother and told him to act calm and like nothing happened.

'Right I gotta go home.' Natalie spoke up as she got a message from Rafe. She said goodbye to the two boys as she drove home.

'What's up Rafe?' Natalie asked as she entered the patio. She sat in an egged-shaped chair that swung as her brother and Kelce shut up changing the topic not suttlely. She heard Pope's name being mentioned which worried her slightly.

'I wanted to ask you to come to watch the movies at the park they're hosting tonight.' Rafe asked as he stretched his neck nervously. Natalie thought about her answer before speaking.

'Is it me and you or me, you, Topper, and Kelce?' She spoke louder to make sure Topper and Kelce heard her comment. She wasn't a stupid girl. She was 100 percent smarter than her brother and his friends. But they wouldn't admit it to boost her ego.

'Come on it'll be fun. Please, Nat.' Rafe spoke softly which made Natalie's heart burst. She agreed which made Rafe jump all excited and giddy.

'We best go now to get good seats in the park then.' Topper stood up grabbing his wallet and the four friends headed into Rafe's car equaling Kelce and Natalie in the back and Topper in the passenger side. As they parked the car Topper and Kelce went to find a good spot while Rafe and Natalie went to grab drinks and snacks.

'Hey, kie. How are you?' Rafe spoke as he rushed over to the girl. Natalie was confused at the occurrence but let it happen.

'I'm fine, Hey Nat.' Kiara was clearly uncomfortable and her friend noticed it. Rafe muttered something to her as Natalie just ordered some drinks and popcorn. She didn't even bother listening but as Rafe came over and paid before Natalie could she asked.

'What was that about?' She questioned her best friend. She wondered if it was about Pope and JJ with the boat.

'Don't worry princess.' Rafe whispered as he grabbed the popcorn and walked over to Topper and Kelce.

The movie started and was halfway in. Rafe placed his arm around Natalie as she laid her head on him slightly cuddling the boy. She kept her attention on the movie but didn't realise the three boys kept death glaring at Pope and JJ. She got closer to Rafe as he smiled at the feeling of his best friend next to her. But Rafe noticed JJ and Pope walk away from the movie. Rafe stood up as Topper and Kelce followed.

'Where are you going?' Natalie questioned as he moved away from the girl.

'We need a piss.' Rafe muttered in her ear. Natalie just nodded but made her eyes follow their figures. She knew they didn't all need a piss together so she went and followed them.

She saw Kiara stood there asking them to stop it. Kelce had ahold of Pope as Topper was throwing punches into his stomach. But she hated how Rafe was at it on JJ as she knew he was angry about how he was close to her. Too close if you asked Rafe because he was jealous of the 16-year-old. Kiara and Natalie both threw looks at each other. Natalie was trying to pull Rafe off but he shoved her away not even knowing it was her. She started to panic.

'What do we do Nat?' Kiara questioned quickly. She was as worried as Natalie. Natalie came up with an idea tho.

'Kie hit me.' Natalie blurted out as Kiara whipped her head.

'What? No-' Kiara didn't want to hit her friend.

'Kie do it now it will stop Rafe.' She told as she was waiting for the impact. Kiara punched the girl in the face. Not too hard but hard enough a bruise will show. Natalie yelped out at the pain as she held her nose. Kiara sent a quick sorry as Rafe whipped his head around.

'Topper stop Natalie is hurt.' Rafe shouted out. Rafe let go as he heard the girl's familiar voice. Kelce was confused when Topper went behind him. JJ and Pope ran off as Kiara set fire to the pictures behind them.

'Shit. Guy's fire let's go.' Rafe called out as he picked up Natalie taking her to his car. He shut his door on the passenger side and got in the driver's seat. Topper and Kelce weren't in the car.

'Are you okay? Are you hurt?' Rafe stammered out questions. The girl stared silently as she looked in the mirror. She knew it was going to leave another bruise as her exes bruise just disappeared another shows up.

'I'm fine Rafe.' She spoke bluntly. Rafe figured out she was pissed off at his actions and stayed in silence till Kelce and Topper got in the car. The car journey was silent until they dropped Kelce off.

'Do you always have you beat up my friends?' Natalie questioned as soon as Kelce shut the car door.

'Natalie we're sorry.' Rafe muttered out. He kept on driving as he sent glances through the driver's mirror to the back at Topper then at Natalie and at the road.

'It's like you want to kill them.' Natalie laughed out furiously. Topper didn't say a word. Rafe pulled up at the driveway as Natalie got out of the car as fast as she could and headed to her room. She messaged Pope and JJ an apology on behalf of her best friend and brother and asked if they were okay. They said thank you and were okay. A knock at the door was heard as Natalie let them in.

'Hey.' Topper walked in as Rafe stood at the doorway. Natalie just ignored them and went to her desk to take her hair out of the braids she had.

'Natalie. I am very sorry for today and at the golf course. I know you probably won't forgive me but forgive Rafe please.' He spoke again as Natalie looked at him through her desk mirror and turned around. She was surprised at the apology as her brother was stubborn.

'You're lucky that they're okay and that I cannot stay mad at you two.' She said as she stood up.

'Now come hug me, you idiots.' She laughed out as Rafe and Topper walked over to the petit girl. To say she was 5'5. Both of the boys were 6+. But she didn't mind looking up in the mini group hug.

'Right I love you both so much. But I want to sleep so goodnight and get the fuck out.' She ordered as they held their hands up defenselessly. Topper was already in his room not wanting a smack from his younger sister.

'Goodnight Natalie Love you.' Rafe wished as he went out of her room. He normally doesn't get a reply as she never hears him but tonight was different.

'Goodnight Rafey I love you too.' She spoke out loud enough for him to hear. He was shocked at the response from his best friend.

He hasn't been called Rafey since they were younger. That was when Topper told him she had a small crush. He didn't know if he should have taken it as a sign for Natalie had feelings back for the boy. But he should as it was why Natalie said that nickname tonight. But she didn't know Rafe knew the meaning of the nickname.

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