Chapter 11

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John B and Natalie headed over to the cut where Kiara, Pope, and JJ were chilling watching the sunset. John B jumped into a hammock with Kiara as Natalie walked over. She got in a hammock with JJ as Pope gave her a dirty look.

'Pope I tried making them stop I swear.' Natalie sighed out as she looked down. JJ lifted her face up making Natalie look at him.

'We know Nat. We just seriously hate your brother. it isn't yourself IS IT Pope?' JJ mentioned as Natalie looked at Pope on the chair. She got out and walked over to him.

'I'm sorry they did this to you.' She muttered into his ear as she hugged him tightly. Pope whispered an okay back and an apology for what he said making the friendship normal again. Natalie climbed in the hammock with JJ ending up cuddling hearing the thunder.

'Do you really think it's out there. Like no bullshit?' Pope questioned John B. It was obviously about the royal merchant.

'My dad did.' John B replied. This made Natalie slide up a bit against JJ moving his hands around her neck.

'Yeah, your dad did. But do you?' Natalie questioned. John B looked at her.

'After hearing his voice on that tape... I think I do.' John B smiled in the dark. Minutes later, Natalie's phone rang. JJ didn't take it as it showed Topper's name.

'You should answer it, Nat.' JJ whispered against her. She did answer it putting it on speaker.

'Natalie come home.' Topper spoke clearly angry for some reason. She didn't reply but she sighed making sure Topper knows she's listening and it's her.

'Nat please.' Rafe's voice echoed as he begged.

'You should go Natalie it's late.' JJ spoke up making Topper and Rafe hear the boy's voice. They knew where the girl was by the sound of chickens clucking.

'No, I don't want to.' Natalie replied making Rafe groan. She couldn't believe what they did to Pope it hurt her.

'Natalie I want to talk about earlier with your friend.' Topper tried speaking calmly but she knew her brother. He was absolutely filled with rage as his younger sister won't come home.

'No Topper fuck you and fuck you, Rafe. You hurt my friend for fuck all.' She shouted down the phone as she face-timed the two. She showed them her laying on JJ as she saw their faces filled with anger. She ended the call.

'You're so fucked Nat.' Kiara laughed. The others agreed. Soon after she got a message from Rafe. Which said 'Come home now.' The cheek the girl had she replied back with a 'Make me.' to see how the boy would react. Which ended up with Rafe texting a 'Fine I'm coming there then.'

'Yup Kie is right you're totally fucked.' JJ claimed as he saw the whole text happen. She told John B to bring her Jeep in the morning as Rafe was clearly keeping his word and picking her up. It wasn't even 20 minutes till his bike roared and lights flashed. He walked over with a torch on his phone seeing the 5 teens all chilling in the dark.

'Come on Natalie. Please.' Rafe begged as the girl climbed out. To test her limits she kissed JJ on the cheek seeing his face go red. Rafe was fuming as he dragged the girl tightly to his bike. It was silent as he put her helmet on and gripped her hands around his waist. They rode back to the empty Thornton house which only had Topper and Kelce.

'Natalie, can we talk? Like siblings?' Topper asked nicely as she walked in sitting in the living room where Kelce was playing a game.

'Yeah, we can talk. Tell me why the fuck you thought it was a good idea to beat up my friend who wasn't the one who put a gun to your head?' Natalie spoke with rage as Topper and Rafe looked at each other. Kelce didn't bother getting involved as he was concentrating on the game.

'I'm sorry Natalie. Okay? But Maybank nearly killed me! And you hang out with him like what the fuck.' Topper raised his voice at his sister.

'So fucking what? He didn't kill you did he? He wouldn't fucking dare because of me.' Natalie screamed as Rafe sat and watch the argument unfold.

'Bad time to say you kissed him then?' Rafe muttered loud enough for Topper to hear.

'You what!' Topper bellowed. Natalie just sat and showed no emotion. She watches him yell and rant about Maybank and how the kooks are so much better.

'So what if I kissed him? Do you want me to let him fuck me too? Might make the two of you happy at this rate.' She spoke calmly with sarcasm. She watches Rafe go red. She loved provoking the two. But not to the point of Topper breaking shit.

'Jesus Christ Topper I was kidding. I don't even fucking like him. I like someone else' She groaned to calm him down. Topper always hated the Pogues. She knew she was going to have to clean up the broken vase that smashed against the floor. She flinched when he did it which made him stop.

'Then who do you like huh?' Kelce spoke up. This caught Rafe's and Topper's attention as they all looked at the young girl. She was amazed by how the argument went from Pope to her 'crush' on Rafe.

'Starts with N and ends with none of your fucking business.' She spoke as she went to her room. Before she did she ran back down.

'Also whoever I date has fuck all to do with you and this was a lovely pathetic talk that wasn't needed so goodnight.' She said the last things she wanted to as she headed to bed.

She hates herself for saying she likes someone else because Topper will not stop at anything to find out as the brother he is. Especially Rafe he needed to know. He wanted to know if it was him. Because if it wasn't he would want to get over the girl before his hope is too high.

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