Chapter 4

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After Natalie pulled her stunt in front of the boys. She headed to John B's place to see her friends. She also wanted to see JJ after last night. As well as questioning them about the gun. She pulled up to John B's house in her jeep honking to let them know she was there. She got out and headed to the patio of the house where they were all sitting.

'Nat I-' JJ broke the silence.

'You got some explaining to do Maybank.' She glared at him walking over to the boy looking up at him.

'Is it a bad time to say you're hot when you're angry?' JJ grinned earning a chuckle from John B and scowls from Kiara and Natalie.

'I'm sorry. He was drowning John B. I wasn't going to shoot it was to get him off-' JJ stammered.

'Safety was off. You were drunk and could have shot me and my brother.' Natalie replied quickly back angry.

'I'm sorry. I'm sorry.' JJ apologised as he pulled the girl into a hug.

'It's fine just don't do it again please.' Natalie whispered.

'Also where the fuck did you get this from?' She added as she picked up the gun. She put the safety on as she looked at it.

'Semiautomatic. Nice.' She added as she put it back down. Soon enough JJ and John B explained everything while Natalie was gone. She has missed a lot since the last time she hung out with the group. John B explained how he found his dad's compass at sea and going to the motel and someone's house.

'So you saw two men raid Scooters' wife's house?' Kiara replied as they finished. Natalie furrowed her brows confused as Kiara explained the man is dead.

' You could have gotten killed what the fuck bro.' Natalie groaned. JJ pulled out a cigarette but Natalie stole it doing a few puffs before passing it back to the stressed boy.

'Like Pablo Escobar square grouper?' Pope questioned the two boys.

'Yeah, man.' JJ nodded.

'Not everything is a Kingpin movie.' Kiara scoffed.

'What did they look like? Specifically.' Pope asked concerned

'You weren't there dude!' JJ raised his voice causing a commotion for nothing.

'Bro I wasn't taking little mental polaroids the entire time! I was under duress okay.' JJ got closer to Pope which made Natalie step in concerned for the boy. JJ looked at the girl as he backed away from Pope calming his voice.

'I can tell by the way Ms. Lana was screaming. These guys are a serious hombre man.' JJ explained slowly. John B was silent the entire time. He opened the compass making Natalie's attention move to the boy's hands. JJ was still talking till the compass was brought up.

'Why would they want the compass?' Kiara questioned.

'It's a piece of shit man.' Pope muttered. 'No offense John b I know it's in your family.' Pope added making sure the boy wasn't offended by his comment.

'The office.' John B spoke up grabbing everyone's attention.

'Your dad's? or.' Natalie replied with arms wide open confused. Soon John B went to his father's office. Natalie looked at the others as they shrugged and followed the boy. John B explained how his father kept the office lock for competitors for the royal merchant.

'We've all slept here like 600 hundred times and this door has never been opened.' Pope spoke up as John B unlocked the door. The five entered the room seeing loads of research. Soon enough John B grabbed a board showing the original owner.

'Look it's the lucky compass.' Kiara pointed out.

'Actually, it says here he was shot after he bought it.' Natalie stated as John B nodded.

'Then it was shipped back to Henry. Then he was killed with the compass. Then it was given to Stephen and killed in the Vietnam war.' John B was explaining the History as JJ spoke up.

'Let me guess died in action?' He asked.

'Sort of. He died by a banana truck. In the country. Then Stephen passed the compass to my dad. John B explained.

'Sounds like a recurring theme here.' JJ spoke up.

'No shit Sherlock it's a death compass.' Natalie groaned.

'Yeah, I agree with Nat. You have a death compass.' Pope claimed. John B denied it.

'You should get rid of it. It's probs cursed or some shit and it's made it's way back to you.' JJ advised him.

'Look it used to have a secret compartment for soldiers for hidden notes.' John B explained as he opened it. There was nothing until.

'What's that?' Natalie noticed something on the back of the cap.

'This is my dad's handwriting.' John B smiled slightly.

'How could you know that.' Pope sighed out.

'Because it's his weird R's he does. See it?' John B showed the rest of the group. JJ looked at it the longest. He was trying to read out the word.

'It says Redfield.' Kiara said to stop the struggle.

'What the fuck is Redfield? Besides the most common name in the county.' Natalie questioned as she slumped down on a chair.

'Maybe- Maybe it's a clue to where he's hiding.' John B stuttered out.

'Oh come on-' Pope spoke till Kiara and Natalie cleared their throats glaring at the boy.

'If it's a clue could be an anagram.' Pope finished his sentence positively. John B looked for the paper on the desk. Everyone was trying to figure out the anagram till Natalie and John B looked out the window.

'Guys. Somebody is here.' Natalie shouted out as everyone looked.

'It's them JJ it's them.' John B called out as everyone panicked. JJ started to pace around the room till John B and Natalie closed him against the wall.

'JJ for once in your life.' Natalie chuckled out a little at the situation. 'Where's the gun?' John B whispered. Kiara started to panic badly muttering out' you don't have the gun when we need it?' John B remembered it was in the bag on the patio. As JJ went to get it he quickly came running back without it.

'Window.' Natalie called out. John B and JJ were barricading the door as Pope, Natalie, and Kiara tried opening the window. Soon enough the two men were trying to break the door down. By the time they did, The 5 teenagers headed out the window to the rooster house all squished up.

'Shut them up.' JJ whispered as the roosters kept clucking. One of the men came over slowly with a gun. JJ strangled the loud rooster to death making Kiara gasp. The man was called away by his friend driving from the house.

'Holy shit.' Natalie breathed out. As the five friends climbed out of the rooster house. John B then walked away with Kiara following him. Natalie furrowed her brows confused about where they were going.

'To the light house.' Kiara called out. Natalie shrugged as she headed to her Jeep to finally go home.

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