Chapter 7

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Natalie pulled up the jeep in the drive of the Cameron's driveway as Wheezie jumped out stumbling to the downstairs bathroom. She hiccuped out a quick thanks as she locked the door. Natalie heard the girl be sick as she asked if she was okay and she replied with a hum. The girl then decided to go to the jeep to hang out with her other friends till she heard ward and Rafe bickering.

'I just don't feel like you care.' Ward shouted loud enough to grab Natalies attention. She walked over to the patio just over listening to the father and son conversation.

'I said I do.' Rafe groaned with annoyance.

'Yeah, you said.' Ward shouted back.

'Well, what do you want me to say?' Rafe raised his voice slightly making the girl jump a little. She always felt bad for Rafe with the pressure his dad puts on him.

'I don't want you to say anything I want you to do it and take care of your business. Where are the generators?' Warden ordered the boy as he sat back down. He asked him what he did with the money. Natalie connected the dots as she saw the motorbike hidden out on the front.

'I'll tell you what. You know that Pogue I just fired. He was way more reliable than you. The one Nat is friends with.' Ward told his son.

'Really?' Rafe clenched his jaw at the sound of the girl's name. Ward nodded his head muttering really.

'You need to get it together Rafe. Or you can go live on the cut.' Warden said with no laughing matter as Rafe chuckled. He looked back at his father's face and realised he was being for real.

'Get out of my face I don't want to look at you.' Ward added as Rafe got up.

'Sarah isn't working.' Rafe replied as he stood behind the chair. Knuckles white gripping the chair.

'This isn't about Sarah. You're almost 20. You don't get everything handed to you.' Ward replied. It made Natalie's heart broke for her best friend. Rafe walked in as he brushed past the girl. He looked at her as his eyes softened.

Something bad was going to happen that he didn't want Nat to know. He headed out on the front to the motorbike. He jumped on it. Natalie was curious about what stupid decision he was going to make. Natalie jumped in her car and followed the boy. He went to the cut to a ruined trailer site. The girl got out as she went over to where Rafe was.

She waited outside next to his bike leaning on the new ride. He bought with the generator's money. Soon enough he came outside with Barry as his eyes went wide at the sight of the girl. Natalie was pissed as he saw the cocaine in his hand.

'Yo you're Rafe's bitch aren't you?' His drug dealer, Barry, shouted. She knew about him. Seen him around but never talked.

'If anything he's my bitch but whatever.' Natalie shouted back as Barry and some of his older friends laughed at the comment. Rafe seemed more pissed at the fact Barry and his guys saw the younger girl.

'Come on man don't.' Rafe muttered to Barry. He clearly wanted to get a closer look at the girl. He backed off hands up defenselessly. Rafe said goodbye to Barry and came over to his bike where Natalie still leaning on. He didn't say a word to the girl.

'You and I are talking about this.' Natalie whispered as she pointed at his pocket where the coke sat. She then decided to walk over to her jeep till Rafe grabbed her arm. He whipped her around as she stared him down. She showed him the bitch face, but inside she wanted to cry.

'I'm sorry.' Was all that came out of Rafe's mouth. She dragged her arm out of his grip and went to get in her car and go home. She was going to get ready for the party in her own house.

She parked her vehicle outside the Thornton house. It was only 7 pm which gave her two hours to get ready. Her parents have left for the Bahamas which left her and Topper the house.

'Hey, Topper.' She spoke sadly to her brother. He looked up at his sister as he laid out the alcoholic beverages.

'What's up Nat?' He asked as he stopped what he was doing to look at his sister. Soon enough Rafe Cameron walked in to help get the party ready.

'Why don't you ask him.' She spoke swiftly as she went to get ready. She freshened up and put her hair in two small ponies and the rest of her hair waved down. It was like she was off to a festival of some sort. She decided to put on the red dress she bought for the party with a pair of black string heels that tied up her leg. She had her bikini under but she didn't plan on going in the hot tube or pool. She just watched her brother jump off the roof into the pool below with Sarah. She chuckled at his action as she went inside.

It was now 10 o clock and the party finally started. She headed downstairs into the living room where Rafe, Topper, and Kelce, and some girls were around. Rafe used his hand to show her to sit on his knee. She was hesitant at first as the coke was on the table. But Rafe seemed sober from it. She sat on him as he watched some of the boys take turns. She wasn't worried about Topper as he was addicted.

She was Rafe's best friend and if she was she was going to help him. She leaned forward to the table as everyone watched her. Her brother was about to speak up thinking she was going to do a line. She grabbed some of the white powder on her middle finger and sat back up against Rafe. He looked at her desperately.

'It's okay. I'm helping you aren't I?' She shouted loud enough over the music for him to hear and him only. Rafe nodded as he grabbed the girl's hand softly with his other hand on her waist. Topper and Kelce watched as Rafe snorted off the girl's finger. She then clapped her hands slightly over the table to get any extra off.

'There you go.' She spoke in his ear as his body tensed. The music was booming through the house and outside. It was full. Natalie was about to get up for drinks.

'Thank you, Princess.' Rafe mentioned in her ear as he grabbed her back into his lap now. He loved her so much, after that moment between the two, he wouldn't lie if he fell deeper in love with the girl he adored so much.

'I'm going to go grab some sours mixed with lemonade.' Natalie stated to the group of four as she went for drinks. As Kelce watched her go out of earshot he went crazy.

'Holy shit dude. I wish I had a girl like Nat. She fucking let you snort it off her finger. I bet she'd let you snort it off her boobs or thighs or some shit.' Kelce was speaking swiftly making Gibberish as he was high on the coke. Rafe clenched his jaw as Kelce talked about the girl that way.

'Come on Kelce she's my sister how many times.' Topper grossed out as he snorted another line. Natalie came back with two drinks and gave one to Rafe. Rafe relaxed as he felt the girl sit in his lap. She calmed him down after what Kelce mentioned behind her back.

Soon enough it was around 1 o'clock in the morning. Natalie was dancing to the music as she laughed with her friends. Rafe watched her carefully as she danced in the frisky dress. He always watched her make sure no one made a move on her. But this felt different for some reason. Natalie pointed at Rafe wanting to dance with him to the music. He got up as Topper followed him with his eyes. Natalie was tipsy but she knew what she was doing as her back danced onto Rafe's body as she grabbed his hands to place on her waist. She looked into his eyes as they both smiled widely enjoying the moment.

'He's so whipped for her man.' Kelce spoke to Topper as they watched the two.

'Well, I trust him enough to take care of her.' Topper smiled as he knew Rafe had a soft spot for his sister. Natalie Harper Thornton.

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