You have the moral Backbone of a chocolate eclaire

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"Am I a dragon?" 

Ayako looked over. "Your a god." 

"But am I a dragon god? I am how mortals perceive me after all." 

Sharringon shrugged, studying a katana in a shop window. "Do you want to be a dragon god?" 

Percy frowned. "I'm not entirely sure." 

"Being a dragon is pretty cool." Ayako said, leaning over Sharringon's shoulder and making a face at the katana's price, seemingly oblivious to the eavesdropping shopkeep's expression. "I like it anyhow." 

"You just like the fire and destruction part." Sharringon said, moving on to a daichi. 

"And you dont?" Ayako challenged, eyes alight with mischief. 

"Children." Percy warned. "We are in the city." 

"Sorry, Oji-san." Ayako said, while Sharringon nodded. 

"That being said, perhaps it wouldn't be too bad. Most mortals call me the World Dragon anyways." 

"Ayako the sun, the bright and warm sun, brings light and grows our food!" Ayako sang while Sharringon looked constipated. "Sharringon, the sweetest night, the sharpest blade, lights the stars to guide us and protects us from the dark . Don't you like being the nighttime, Sharrigon? It's very mysterious." 


Ayako shrugged, apparently satisfies with her fellow dragon's answer, turned to inspect some intricate silver jewelry at the vendor next door, humming the next verse. "Oji-sama, wide and loving, give us home for me and you. And when my time has come and gone, give me final resting too."  

Percy shrugged, considering, watching the shopkeep decide they were messing with him and tune them out. 

"What do you think, Oji-san?" Ayako asked, inspecting the silver necklace against her throat in a polished silver plate. 

"It suits you. Would you like it?" Percy asked, inspecting the little stars woven on the vine like chain, gold giving it a touch of color." 

"Yes please." 

Sharringon negotiated, red eyes rather intimidating until Ayako had the necklace around her neck, skipping happily down the street, holding Percy and Sharringon's hand. 
Sharringon suddey stopped, staring at a tiny shop. 

"Horishi?" Ayako read. "Carving master?" 

"Dude, you want to get inked, go for it." Percy said.  "I'm not exactly in a position to stop you." He shifted, rubbing his arm. 

"Did you get a tattoo, Oji-san?" Ayako asked. 

Percy sighed. "Sort of. This was back in my homeworld." He pulled up his sleeve and the spell hiding the words appeared. 

Ayako traced the black with her fingers. "What does it say?" 

"Senatus Populusque Romamus. For the Senate and the people of Rome. It was the motto of the 12th legion where I served as Prator for a few days. It was the army protecting the city of people like me, half god. It was destroyed before I came here. You would have liked Reyna. You remind me of her at times. She was a good leader, and an amazing warrior." 

Ayako must have realized she was trending on dangerous ground, so she redirected. "Isnt that the symbol on Sharringon's shrine?" 

Percy smiled. "The symbol of my father, God of the sea, so everyone knew who sired me." 

"What did Reyna-sama have?" 

"A sword and a torch crossed in an X I think. Her mother was Bellona, a war goddess." 

Sharringon had a notepad out and was sketching something. 

"Come on, Ayako. Let's find a place to eat. Meet us back at the hotel when your done, Sharringon." 


Ayako frowned. "Can I get one?" 

"If you want." Percy said. "But you will need to look older and perhaps at a different Horishi or after Sharringon is done." 

Ayako nodded. "Lets go find a different horishi! You can just vanish it if I don't like it, right?" 

Sharringon came back that night with a sore back and a massive and familiar black dragon over the Uchiha clan symbol. 

"Oh, wow!" Ayako cheered, and Percy grabbed her hand to prevent her from touching it." 

"Would you like me to speed up the healing process?" 

Sharringon shook his head. "I want to heal the way a mortal would." 

Percy nodded. "Its amazing. And familar." 

"I thought we weren't going to say anything." Ayako stage whispered. 
Sharringon blushed and held out the sketchpad so Percy would know he hadn't traumatized a Horishi by revealing his true form. 

"Can you draw mine! I want it just like yours or with me and Uzumaki. You can keep the Uchiha." 

Red eyes spun and Ayako grinned, but Shartingon sighed and started sketching, Ayako peering over his shoulder and asking for adjustments here and there. 

Percy considered. He had been worshipped as a dragon for a while. Maybe it was tike to embrace it, less he loose his mind like the Greek and Roman side of his father. 

"Can you help me design mine next?" Percy asked and Ayako squeeled. 

Ayako accepted Percy's offer of healing and was soon prancing around as a 20 something year old woman with a red dragon snaking a cross her back and shoulders. 

"I love it!" She cried. 

Percy, knowing that his body wasn't really something that could be inked, simply willed his dragon into existence, the screen scales shimmering, with two smaller dragon's, one red, one black, swirling around him, dwarfed by his own. 

A familar constalation floated over the green dragon's head, a bright star with seven circling it.

Ayako had cried when she saw it. 

"I like it." Sharringon said, back red and flaking. "It suites you." 

Percy only smiled. 

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