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"You're so golden" Golden by Harry Styles

Emlyn POV: 

Harry had spent the night in my dorm again. We had set the alarm the night before, but we woke up early due to someone banging on the door. It was Hermione. "What  do you need Hermione?" I asked her. 

"Draco needs to see us." She said. "So get dressed. We need to be there before Ginny and Blaise wake up." Hermione said, and then she shut the door. Harry and I mosied out of bed and got our uniforms on. 

Downstairs Draco stood with Hermione and letter from the school. "Morning Malfoy." Harry said. "Potter." Draco greeted. "What do you have a letter for?" I asked him and grabbed it out of his hand. "Hey!" He said. "Nothing like a little bit of sibling love, now let's get to the point before Ginny wakes up." Hermione said, impatiently. 

"Well I was thinking, since the next Hogsmeade trip is coming up this weekend, we could set them up on like a faux meeting with their friends, when in reality they are meeting each other." Draco said, clearly confident in his plan. 

"That sounds like a good idea. I know a booth in the corner of the Three Broomsticks that is always open." Harry said. "Ooo. We ask to meet them their, but then they meet each other." I said. "I like it." Hermione said. 

"Good. Well, Hermione, you ask Ginny to meet you at 11 on Saturday and I will do the same with Blaise. Harry and Emlyn you can monitor from a far." Draco said. "Well, what are you two gonna do while they do that?" Harry asked. "Well, I had told Draco that Ron wanted to take me to Honeydukes, and I didn't want to bail on him." Hermione said. "Ahh." I glanced at Harry. 

"Ok, and your excuse is?" I asked Draco. "Well, I am meeting Theodore and Pansy to do some shopping." He said. I could tell he was lying, but whatever. "Alright, then it is settled. We will reconvene on Saturday." I said. We all nodded and went our separate ways for the day. 


Saturday approached quickly, and I realized how fast Easter break was coming. It was less than 7 weeks away. Hermione had asked Ginny and Draco asked Blaise. The plan was going well, they just needed to show up. 

Harry and I positioned ourselves in an opposite corner of the store with our butterbeers. Blaise walked in and he was waiting for Draco, checking his watch occasionally. Ginny then walked in and looked at Blaise, sitting in the table she and Hermione were supposed to occupy. 

They looked confused at first, but then they seemed to go into conversation and look more comfortable with each other. Harry and I were glad. So we stopped watching them, like the stalking idiots we looked like. 

Harry and I immersed ourselves in the first casual conversation we had with just the two of us in days. "I mean, I think Ron and Hermione should date." I said blatantly. "See, I completely agree. I have known them since we were 11 and I think it is about damn time." He said with a swig of butterbeer. 

"Did you see them at the manor and afterwards at the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey even wants them to get together." I told Harry. "Yes, yes and yes. They have been doing this casual flirting for years and-" He stopped when they walked in the door. They turned toward our table. 

"It is freezing out there." Ron said to me. "I can tell, you and Hermione were practically glued together walking in here." I said to him. They both blushed when they heard what I said. "What is Ginny doing with Zabini?" Ron said angrily. 

Harry, Hermione, and I exchange nervous glances. "What did you three do?" He asked us. "Well it was us and Draco. Draco's idea actually." Hermione said nervously. "They will not shut up about each other." Harry said. "So we thought that if we set them up, they would hit it off." I said to Ron. "I mean look at them. They seem to be having fun. From what I hear, Blaise is a gentleman." I told Ron. 

"As long ass he doesn't hurt her." Ron glared in their direction. Then the door opened. Theo Nott and Pansy Parkinson walked in holding hands. "Where is Draco? I thought he was shopping with them." Harry asked. "More like third wheeling." Ron looked at them snogging in a booth across the room. We all laughed. 

"We should let the happy couples have their dates. I need to find Draco." I said to them. "I will go with you. You two can stay." Harry looked at Ron and Hermione. Harry and I left the Three Broomsticks. "I am worried about Draco. He has been strange lately." I said to Harry. "Well, then let's check around Hogsmeade. If he is not here, we will check the school. Alright?" Harry said. I interlocked my fingers with Harry's. 

We checked all over Hogsmeade, Draco was nowhere to be seen. I started getting worried.   

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