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"Hey baby won't you look my way I can be your new addiction." Everybody Talks by Neon Trees

Harry Potter POV:

I was standing at platform 9 3/4, I was going to my 5th year at Hogwarts. I was waiting for Ron and Hermione to meet me here. I was looking around for them when I saw Malfoy. He was standing next to his mother and another girl who looked oddly like him. She had bright blonde hair and silvery-blue eyes. She was wearing jeans and a quidditch hoodie. The odd thing was that it was a Gryffindor hoodie. I had thought that any girl standing next to Malfoy would be wearing Slytherin colors. 

She looked gorgeous too. The way her hair framed her face and the way her eyes caught the light. I had never seen anyone with the same amount of sheer beauty that she had. I could get lost looking into her eyes. But, I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the cheery voice on Ron. 

"Oi, Mate!" Ron called. "Harry, we are going to be late for the train!" Hermione said. "Oh right. The train." I replied. We went into a compartment and I was still thinking about that girl. She was beautiful I thought, but she was probably Malfoy's. We chatted in the train for a while and then we heard a knock on our compartment door. 

It was the girl. She was wearing full Gryffindor robes now. "Hi, sorry to disturb, but my compartment was taken when I went to change. May I sit with you?" She said. "Sure." Hermione replied. "You can sit next to me." Said Hermione pointing to the empty seat next to her. "Thanks." She said. "Hello. Er- what is your name?" I said, I knew it was the girl from earlier, but I hadn't introduced myself. "Oh right, let me introduce myself." She said. "I am Emlyn Malfoy." 

"Malfoy?" Ron spat. "Oh. Yes. I understand that name does not have the best reputation." She said with a disappointed chuckle. "I would appreciate it if you could try to be friends with me. I also understand if you don't." Emlyn said. I could tell she was sad. "Oh." Hermione said. Hermione had realized that she was different and gave me and me and Ron a reassuring nod. Ron glared at Hermione and I could tell that she kicked his shin under the table. Ron rolled his eyes, a hint of realization coming to them.  

"Of course we will be friends with you." Hermione, Ron and I said in unison. "Really?" She said meekly. "Of course. Tell us about yourself." I said. "Alright. Um. I am in Gryffindor. My brother is Draco Malfoy. There really isn't much more unless you want to go into all the terrible death eater stuff." She said. "Nobody ever does, so I don't blame you." She said with a laugh. 

"Well, I am Harry, and this is Ron and that is Hermione." I said. "We are all in Gryffindor. We Hate death eaters, just to put it on the record." Ron said. She chuckled. "I have heard you all in class. My brother tells me to stay away from you, he can be a real git sometimes." Emlyn said. 

"Why did you not go back to the compartment with your brother? Why did you come to sit here?" Hermione asked. "Oh right. For the compartment, Draco had decided that it would be a good time to shag Pansy Parkinson. And as for sitting with you, Draco is very protective of me, in quite a mean way actually. We are twins, but I am a few seconds younger. He can be a prick sometimes. I wanted to find friends when I got here but once I was sorted to Gryffindor, like Sirius, he became protective and practically forbid me from talking to people. At this point, I don't really care." 

For the rest of the ride we chatted. Emlyn was very nice. We became good friends. As the train pulled up to Hogwarts, we heard another knock on the compartment door. It was Draco. "Emlyn Narcissa! You will not talk to the mudblood, the weasel, or the Potter boy! Of all people!" He then tried to drag her away but she hit his hand and pushed him out of the compartment. "Blimey, we wouldn't dare do that." Ron said. "Well when he is your brother, things are a bit different." She chuckled. We then made our way to the great hall. 

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