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"But when he loves me I feel like I'm floating" Cloud 9 by Beach Bunny

Emlyn POV:

The next morning, I awoke in my bed to a note on my side table. It was from Harry. I read it and smiled. I looked at the clock and I knew I needed to get ready soon, we had class. A few seconds later, Harry came in, he was already dressed and said that they had let me sleep in. He left the room and let me get ready. I then went down to the common room. It was Monday, which means we had potions first, with Slytherin. 

We ran down to breakfast and grabbed something to eat. Ron, Harry, Hermione, and I walked down together. I could tell Harry was trying his best to not hold my hand. Once we got to the dungeons, Harry held the door open for me and I smiled. The four of us sat at a table together. 

"Alright class, today we are talking about the Amortentia potion. We will first take notes and then we will continue." Snape said. The class took out notebooks and quills. Snape darted notes onto the chalkboard and we copied them quickly. The potion was basically what attracted you most. It smelled like your soulmate. I crossed my fingers, hoping I would smell Harry and he would smell me. 

"Ok. Now that we have finished notes, we are going to smell the potion. Let's start with Mr.Potter's table, shall we." Snape said. I sucked in a breath, Ron went first. "Um- I smell my mother's cooking, bacon, and the perfume I gave someone for Christmas." I smiled at Hermione. She had told me that Ron gave her perfume for Christmas this year. Snape moved over to Hermione. "I smell freshly mown grass, new parchment, spearmint toothpaste, and- and that's it." She said. I knew she was lying.

It was now my turn, I was mortified. I smelled the potion, Harry looked nervous. "I smell a quidditch pitch, a roaring fire, and freshly cleaned robes." He smiled and the potion was passed to him. "I smell freshly baked bread, lilac, new parchment." I smiled because the flowers at Malfoy manor were lilacs. I knew he had smelled me. 

Draco whipped his head around. He could tell Harry smelled me and I smelled him. "After class." He mouthed to me. The potion was passed around and class was over. I told Harry that Draco wanted to see me. He got mad and shook his head. "I will see you in Herbology then." He said. "Yes. Meet you there." I said. I then felt a strong grip on my hand. "What Draco?" I asked, acting oblivious. "You smelled Potter and he smelled you." He hissed. "What do you mean?" I asked. 

"Oh you know, mother's bread, the lilacs outside, fresh parchment because you are a good student." He said. "And you- a quidditch pitch, he is the best seeker here, a fire, I hear the Gryffindor common room always had a fire going, and then clean robes, his are always clean- no spots." He said. "I think you are going mental." I said. He scoffed. "Go to class." He said. 

I ran to Herbology, not wanting to be late. I saw Harry there and stood next to him and Neville. He was standing next to a girl from Ravenclaw name Luna. She seemed nice. I wondered if Neville had a crush on her, like I had for Harry. "Draco is pissed that we smelled each other in amortentia." I told him. "Knew it." Harry said. He grabbed my hand from under the table.  

A/N: I know like every HP fanfic creator does a chapter on this, but I think it is cute, so.

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