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"Oh baby, I am a wreck when I'm without you" Line Without a Hook by Ricky Montgomery

Emlyn POV: 

Draco burst into my room early in the morning. "Emlyn. We can end this." Draco said. "What do you mean?" I asked him, thinking he had lost his mind. "I was eavesdropping on father and Matteo. They are after a book at the ministry. Like the basics of dark arts or something." He said frantically. 

"It's a book." I said. "You knew about it?" He sounded confused. "Of course I knew about it. My friends are Harry, Ron, and Hermione. One of them practically lives in the library." I chuckled. "Did you hear where it was?" I asked him. "No. Probably in like a secret library or something." He said. 

"The ministry has a library, I bet they have a secret door or something." I said to Draco. "Do you know when they are attempting to get it?" I asked. "They said within the next week. If you are trying to get to it before them, you have to move fast." Draco said. 

Before I knew it, Bellatrix had come in to get me ready. She said there was a full day meeting and that the event would start at 7:00. 'I knew it' I thought to myself. 

My green dress was itchy. Draco said his dress shirt was too tight. We were pawns, dolls in a dollhouse. We were being used, big time. 

Talking, meetings, Matteo gripping onto my hip. I was counting down the hours until 7. A pounding headache. 

Harry POV:

Counting down the hours, pacing. A pounding headache. Everyone tried to comfort me. It wasn't working. The only time I stopped pacing was when I thought of Emlyn.

I get lost in her eyes. I get caught up in that smile. Her sarcasm and playfulness. She is a warrior. Her hair silky blonde. Her lips were intoxicating. I would never get tired of kissing her, ever. 

Ron and Hermione were worried for me. We waited until lunch. The time to leave encroached. I got excited. I wondered if she had gotten a lead on the book or file. We all did. 

Emlyn POV: 

My headache still present as I was getting ready. Draco's fist still pounding against the wall. "I'm right here." I said through the wall. The pounding stopped. I wondered if his fist bled. 

The new white dress I put on was tight to my breasts and my ass. Probably per request. At 6:45, I started downstairs with Draco. "How is your fist?" I asked him. "Numb. Just how I like it." He said coldly.

I saw his pain and I felt it too. Numb. Not immune, numb. I hurt for Harry, I knew he was nervous. I was scared. There were so many things that could go wrong. I just needed us to be safe.

We got the the living room. I stood next to Draco. Matteo walked in and kissed the knuckles on my left hand. I held back tears, knowing it would start soon. 

Harry POV:

The port key took us to a shack in the woods. Hermione said we needed to start walking. "If she found anything, I think it would be best if we head for the ministry as soon as possible." Ginny said. "What about injuries?" Lupin asked. "Ok Mr. think things through." She said sarcastically.

We walked through the gardens, I knew we were close. "Harry, you say you smelled lilacs in amortentia?" Hermione asked. "Yes." I said. "Well here they are." She said and pointed do a flower in the garden. I bent down and smelt it. I smiled the first true smile I had all day. 

We stepped inside only a few seconds later. My breath hitched.

Emlyn POV: 

I listened for a door creak. I never heard it. Matteo pulled me over to where a house elf was standing. Just as the elf opened its mouth to talk. The door to the room burst open. The numbness went away. I saw Harry. 

Standing there Sirius, Lupin, Fred, George, Bill, Fleur, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Neville. "Well, well, well. We have visitors." My father said. Bellatrix sniffed the air. "Mudblood, in the manor." She said and looked to Hermione. 

"Sirius, come say hi to your auntie." She held her hand out to Sirius. He rolled his eyes. "We need to be on task with the wedding. And then we deal with Draco." My father demanded. "Cut to the chase." He pointed to the elf. 

"Do you Matteo take Emlyn to be you wizard wedded wife?" The house elf asked. "I do." Matteo smiled. "Do you Emlyn take Matteo do be your wizard wedded husband?" The elf asked me. I looked at Harry. I knew he would come through. 

"I d..." I started but then Harry shot a spell at Matteo. 

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