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"But I know I'm young, got nothing but time" Exless by Kate Stephenson

Harry POV: 

It was Thursday, after classes. I had slept in Emlyn's room all week. I had gotten the order involved, they said they'd do anything to stop the work of the Dark Lord once and for all, and if it meant this, and then going after the book, they were all in. Emlyn had been writing her plan all week. Tonight she handed it to me. It read:

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, Fred, George, and the Order-

Thank you for this.  

I set up a portkey, with the help of Dumbledore. Touch the pen taped to the bottom of this paper and you will end up in a shack, it is a half-mile away from the manor in the woods. Nobody will notice if you come Saturday evening. 

Go into the formal living room. There is a door from the kitchen, use that. Be quiet. I will put an anti-squeaking charm on the floorboards. Our ceremony will be in the formal living room. Come there and you should find us. 

I will try to find out as much information on the book/file I can. Especially when my father is going to retrieve it. 

Probably starting at 7 p.m.

The only other people I told were Dumbledore, McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey. 

We will need to fight, so be prepared. 

I love you all. I know they will get their asses kicked. 


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