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"That I'm such a stalker, a watcher, a psychopath" Maniac by Conan Gray

TW: blood, mentions of sex

Third Person POV:

It was around 8 o'clock and Emlyn had gone down to the dungeons to meet Draco. Draco was outside the common room waiting for her. "One minute late." He said. "Shut up. Just give me the book." She said. "Ok. Come in." He said. He opened the door and lead her in. "Wait here while I get the book." He said. She just stood there waiting. It was quite large, the common room. The fire was roaring and there was so much interesting stuff on the walls and on the shelves. 

Draco came back with the book. He shoved it to her chest. "Bye now." He said. Then he turned around and went upstairs. The common room was surprisingly deserted at this time of night. The Gryffindor common room would be swamped with people. Emlyn stayed to look at one of the photos near a closet, then she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She heard a giggle and a grunt. She hopped into the closet next to her, hoping that the people would go away soon so she could get out. But then she saw who it was, it was Draco and Pansy. "Shit." She mumbled under her breath. 

The next thing she knew, Draco's lips were on Pansy's and Emlyn's eyes widened. She felt like she was about to vomit. Draco started to undress Pansy and Pansy did the same to Draco. 'Fuck' Emlyn thought. Emlyn curled her toes and clenched her fists. Her eyebrows furrowed and she closed her eyes. When there was a break in the noise she would momentarily open them and then when she saw they weren't done, she closed them again. 

In between their moans and kisses, Emlyn winced. It was painful for her to watch. Emlyn clenched her fists tighter and she could feel that she drew blood. Emlyn knew that the second they went upstairs, she would dart out of the common room. She looked at her watch it was 8:45. Curfew was close. Draco moaned. Emlyn felt sick to the stomach. There were loud moans and Emlyn was about to vomit. In a few minutes they had stopped and gone back upstairs. Emlyn made sure there was no noise and then she practically sprinted to the Gryffindor common room. 

She got in and the only people in the room were her friends. It was 9 o'clock. She stood as still as a statue and Hermione came rushing over to her, so did Ginny. "Emlyn, what happened?" Ginny asked. Harry bolted up. "Your hands, they are bleeding." Hermione said. Ron, Fred, and George turned their heads and stood. "I have seen things nobody in this room would ever want to see." Emlyn said. Hermione lead her to the couch next to Fred. Emlyn was shivering and Harry sat beside her. "What the fuck happened?" Harry asked as he opened her palms and saw blood still dripping from them. 

Emlyn had realized over the past few months what people were talking about when they said Harry had slight anger issues. He was fine one minute and then protective and angry the next. Bus she wouldn't have it any other way. She loved him. 

"I went to the common room. Draco gave me the book and he went to his dorm, or what I thought to be it. I was looking at one of the portraits on the wall and then I heard footsteps." Emlyn shuddered. Ginny gave her a towel for her hands. "It was Draco and Pansy. I darted into the closet and shut the door." Emlyn closed her eyes and Ron shook his head. "They undressed each other and shagged for 45 minutes right in front of me." Emlyn said, then she burst into tears. 

"Merlin." George said. Ginny shot him a glare. Harry then didn't care and grabbed her and held her. She cried into his arms. She was still shivering. "Go." Harry said. "I got this." Hermione and Ginny went up to the girls dorms, and then Hermione elbowed Ginny to signalize something. Ron, Fred, and George went up to their dorms, completely oblivious. Once Harry knew they were up there, he held her close and they didn't say a word. They were just in each other's presence. Harry was comforting her and all seemed right. 

A few minutes later, Harry took Emlyn's hands and opened them, showing the cuts. He took the cloth and shot a spell at it to make it wet. He cleaned the blood off her hands and she looked at him innocently. Harry took his thumb and ran it along her hand up to her fingertips. She sighed and closed her eyes. Harry just sat there and protected her. 

After a while. He took her up to her dorm. He hadn't been there before. The plaque on it said Emlyn N. Malfoy Privately Paid For Suite. 'Damn' Harry thought. He opened the door and saw a queen bed and private bathroom. He didn't bother to do anything else but put Emlyn into bed and put the comforter over her. Luckily, she was already wearing her pajamas. He then planted a kiss on her forehead and took a piece of parchment and a quill and wrote her a note. 


It was Harry that put you in your bed. I will check on you in the morning. Sit next to me in classes. You are safe. 


Malfoy's Sister [Harry Potter]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum