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"It's always have and never hold" Look After You by The Fray

Emlyn POV: 

We arrive back at Hogwarts and immediately go to the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey, Professor McGonagall, and Dumbledore were waiting for us. Ron basically cut all of us off, running Hermione into the hospital wing. Madam Pomfrey went to treat her first. Ron held onto her hand the whole time. 

After she dealt with Hermione, she fixed our cuts. The Order left so did the professors. It was just Me, Harry, Ron, Ginny, Fred, George, Neville, and a sleeping Hermione. I was sitting on Harry's lap. George and Fred pulled up two chairs. Ron in the armchair next to Hermione. Ginny was sitting at the end of her bed. 

It was late at night, almost midnight actually, though none of us were tired. "Did you find anything out, Emlyn?" George broke the silence. "I did, actually." I said quietly. "Well, go on." Ginny said impatiently. "It is a book. Probably in some secret alcove in the ministry's library." I said. "That is a good start." Ron chimed in, his hand still in Hermione's. I looked over to Harry and he gave me a knowing smile. 

"Do you know when they are going after it?" Harry asked. "Sometime this week." I said. "Shit then." Fred said. "We need Hermione. Ron, do you know when Madam Pomfrey said she will be good to go?" Fred asked. "By tomorrow, she should be weak but ok. The mental trauma will really never go away." Ron replied. 

"Alright children, I think it'd be best if you get some rest. Mr. Weasley, you may stay if you please." Madam Pomfrey said. We all left to go back to the common room. "Can you keep me company tonight?" I asked Harry. "Yeah." Harry said. 

We went up to my dorm and got ready for bed. Harry practically lived there now. Not that I cared. 


I slept surprisingly well, probably because Harry was holding me all night. Despite the good night's rest, I woke up with an immense amount of guilt. For Draco and Hermione. I didn't know where Draco was. 

Harry and I took showers and headed to the common room. Three out of four Weasleys were there. Neville was with Luna Lovegood, a Ravenclaw, already at breakfast. The rest of us headed down. We grabbed croissants and got two for Ron and one for Hermione. 

We got to the Hospital wing with croissants in tow. Hermione was awake and talking to Ron. We sat by her bed and gave them the food we brought. I handed Ron his second croissant. "You know me too well, Emlyn." He said. 

"How are you?" I asked. "I feel better. My arm doesn't hurt. Just trying to deal with the mental side." Hermione replied. I sighed. Harry put his hand on my hip and pulled me close to him. I smiled up at him. 

"The first thing she asked me when she woke up was if we had a lead on the book. I caught her up." Ron laughed. "She clearly hasn't lost any ambition." Ginny said. Hermione rolled her eyes. "Madam Pomfrey says you are free to go today at 10 a.m." Ron told her. "It is 9:30 now." Fred said. 

"What do you think our best plan of action is?" Hermione asked. "The sooner the better it seems." George said. "We go tomorrow then." Hermione declared. "Are you sure you are up for it? Because we wouldn't survive without you." Harry said. "It's true." Ginny added. 

"I am positive. I will be fine. Better to get it over with." She said. Harry nodded. "Alright." I said in a shaky voice.  

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