45. The Conclusion

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The day for Bulut's return had come painfully but he refused to go. "Come on Bulut, your uncle and aunt are waiting for you" Bekir tried to take him but he wouldn't budge.

"I'm not coming!" He retorted. "Dear, please... After the next hearing you can stay with us forever. Now you should go with him" Nazli told him. "But I don't wanna go with him" Bulut groaned.

"Why don't we drop you off?" I lifted Bulut in my arms but he didn't protest. Bekir nodded and walked away while I walked to my car with Nazli and Bulut.

He was silent most of the ride while Nazli tried to cheer him up. "Will the baby be alright?" Bulut turned to us with his doll eyes. "Of course. She'll be waiting for you to come back again" Nazli chuckled.

"Will you and uncle come meet me often?" Bulut asked us again when I parked the car outside Demet's house. Nazli and I glanced at each other, before we could think of a proper reply, we heard a scream from the backyard.

"Uncle... What was that...?" Bulut's face turned pale. "Stay in the car" I told them both, but Nazli got out too. "Nazli stay in the car" I repeated but she ignored me. "Bulut... Sweetheart, stay here till we are back" She turned to him and he nodded bravely.

"Was that Demet?" She asked me when we were far from the car. "I guess so... Stay behind me and be careful. I hate your stubbornness so much at times" I grumbled, "I can't leave you alone" She replied.

We walked towards the backyard and stopped on hearing Demet yell again, "Do you think it was possible to have a baby after all that you've done to me?" I could see that her eyes were red from crying and anger.

"I supported you all the time but how could you do this to me!" She yelled again and pressed her finger to his chest. This time Hakan slapped her. "Shut up!" He yelled when she fell to the ground.

"I lost my child because of you! I'm sick and tired of your crying! So shut up before I-" "Hakan!" I shouted making both their heads turn towards me. "Don't touch her!" I yelled again.

"Ah Ferit Aslan! Look Demet, your knight is here" He did his crazy laugh. Nazli helped up Demet, "Why the hell are you getting involved between us?!" He was about to grab Nazli by her shoulder to push her away when I caught his arm and twisted his wrist.

"Touch her and I'll kill you" I was dead serious as he cried in pain and fell to his knees. I noticed that Demet's baby bump had gone, "Thank you..." She mumbled wearily. "Are you alright?" Nazli asked her making her break down again. "Take her inside Nazli" I told her and she nodded.

I turned back to Hakan, "Before I literally break your bones, tell me what the hell Demet meant" I growled at him. An evil smirk played on his lips, "You wouldn't want to know..." He whispered.

I heard Demet crying again and I looked up to find her clinging to Nazli and breaking down completely. Nazli's face was devoid of any color. Her eyes were watery and she was on the verge of breaking down any moment too.

Nazli strode towards us swiftly with fury in her eyes and Hakan got up then. Just as she was about to pounce on Hakan with tears streaming down her face I tried to hold her back.

"He killed dad! He sabotaged their car!" Nazli cried into my arms. I felt my breath caught inside me. "W-what?" "Demet told me..." Nazli cried harder.

I turned to him, my nerves exploding inside me one by one. "Is it true?!" I grabbed him by his collar, "Zeynep, Demir and Mr.Nihat died because of you... Bulut became orphaned because of you!" I punched him in the face and he crashed to the ground.

"Ferit stop" Nazli held me back from murdering him. "This won't solve anything" She mumbled. Nazli was right but my anger would subside only after I knew that he experienced enough torture.

If it wasn't for Hakan, my sister, Mr.Nihat and Demir would have been alive now.

"How the hell can you blame me without proof after hearing the words of a woman who hated her own child?" He spat back at us, wiping the blood that trickled from his mouth.

"Demet had a miscarriage..." Nazli mumbled. I glanced back at the poor woman who was crying on the couch inside. I admit that I've never liked Demet but I felt sorry for her from the bottom of my heart. And to think this jackass treated her like that.

When Hakan stumbled back onto his feet, Deniz appeared with a group of policemen. "You're under arrest, Hakan Onder" The officer announced.

Hakan ran inside that split second and snatched a gun from one of the drawers before pointing it at Demet's head. "If I'm going to be destroyed then I'm taking you with me" He growled at her.

"Drop the gun, you are surrounded!" The officer announced but Hakan didn't budge. "Don't even think of hurting my sister!" Deniz roared at him but one of the policemen held him back from doing something irrational.

"Stay behind them. Its dangerous" I told Nazli but she wasn't willing to leave my side. "Trust me, please" She agreed reluctantly.

"If anyone comes near me, I'm definitely shooting her" He yelled at us. I secretly called him from my phone. The ringing of his phone made him distracted and the police caught hold of his gun then.

Hakan was cuffed and Deniz took Demet to the hospital. Her mental health was utterly ruined now, everyone's for that matter. Just as they were taking away Hakan, he came closer to me and whispered.

"You wanna know the reason why I despise you and your family so much?" He smirked at me as though nothing had happened. "Remember the time when you found out your mom was cheating on your dad?" I clenched my fist.

"Your mother was madly in love with... My father" I was lost when I heard this. "And because of her, my dad died. Mrs.Leman still hates you to this day because it was your fault" That's it.

I grabbed him by his collar and pushed him in rage. I wasn't gonna stand still and let this asshole insult me like this. The police got involved and pushed us away, "When they set me free... I'm coming to you first, keep waiting" He smirked at me before leaving.

"Ferit calm down... Please... I can't take your anger too..." Nazli mumbled, crying into my chest. "That murderer... How could he be so cruel?" "And to think Bulut had to live with his parent's murderers" I sighed.

"You heard what he said last..." She wept harder, "Honey I promise that he won't get out. Hakan won't be able to do anything now" I wiped away her tears and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Trust me" "I trust you. I love you" She hugged me tightly again and we clung to each other.


It was hard to digest the rough truth that Hakan hated my family because my dad killed his father. I never knew about it. But that piece of information drew me farther away from my mother.

She knew about it but she was too ashamed to tell me. I felt sorry for myself thinking what a horrid mother god had given me.

But I had an amazing wife. With every passing day, I felt greatful to have her in my life. I had no doubt that she'd be the best mother for my children. Even Bulut. She loved him like her own.

After the incident that day, the court finally decided that Bulut's permanent guardians would be me and Nazli. He was delighted by this but we never told him that Hakan was responsible for the death of his parents.

We'd have to one day... And probably then he'd be mature enough to take the pain. But right now he was excited for the arrival of his baby sister.

In a couple of months time, Deniz and Asuman admitted that they were dating. Even Engin had proposed to Fatosh and they were getting married soon.

Life had to go on, no matter how painful the journey was but when surrounded by the people you love, everything felt easy.

A/N- You guys want an epilogue?

imma add one only if there are over 5 yes's
(baby name reveal included muhahahhaaa)

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