41. Hormones

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"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Aslan, you are indeed going to be parents" The doctor grinned at us. Nazli turned to me with a sheepish smile, I could kiss her a million times right now.

"But pregnancy comes with a big responsibility" The doctor continued and briefed us on the do's and don'ts for Nazli. "With the hormones going frenzy, self restraint is going to be really hard during these months. So make sure that you take your husband's consent before doing anything that you may regret in the future" She told Nazli.

"And Mr.Aslan, please make sure that you support your wife emotionally all the time, okay?" I nodded. "Alright, the last thing is the medication. Make sure to buy these from the pharmacy before leaving" She handed me a prescription paper and I nodded.

"You have to come for checkups once a month. That's about it. Thank you and congrats again" She smiled at us. "Thank you doctor" Nazli grinned back.

"Can we keep doing the regular stuff normally?" I asked the doctor, "If you mean physical exercise then yeah. Just make sure that you don't strain yourself too much" She replied.

"Hmm... And sex?" Nazli turned to glare at me. The doctor stared at us sheepishly before chuckling. "Just don't be too rough" Nazli turned red. "And is there any particular posi-" "Okay we're leaving" My wife hooked her arm in mine and pulled me out of the room making the doctor laugh.

"Thank you" I called to her just as Nazli hauled me out of the room. "What are you doing?!" She turned to me fiercely, the other people in the lobby turned to us.

Nazli flushed more and I tried to hold back my laugh. She pulled me with her into the elevator that led to the parking lot downstairs. "What was that?!" She crossed her arms and demanded an explanation from me like a sexy female cop.

"You just experienced a hormonal outburst" I shrugged. "I meant what happened in the doctor's room" She retorted with a groan. "I was just inquiring about the do's and don'ts for my wife. What's so wrong in that?" I asked back innocently.

"Ferit... Ugh..." She grumbled and turned away from me. "You're adorable when you get angry, honey" I chuckled. Nazli glared at me  just as I hugged her from behind. I brushed my stubble against the nape of her neck, tickling her. She giggled and tried to push me away.

The elevator opened and an onld cwoman stared at us. "Ah, young people in love! Ah, those beautiful days. Don't worry, I'll take the other lift" The old woman replied with a grin.

"Get your hands off of me!" Nazli pushed me away just as the elevator closed. "I have never been this embarrassed in my life" She grumbled, "Hormones" I sighed. Nazli shot a death glare in my way making me smirk. Angry Nazli was definitely too adorable.

The car ride to the restaurant was silent, I still couldn't believe that Nazli was mad at me. I halted my car outside Sakura but locked the doors so that she couldn't get out.

"Unlock the doors Ferit" She groaned, "Not until you kiss me" I replied. Nazli pecked my cheek, "Open it" "Are you kidding me? After what you did last night, is that how you kiss me?" Her cheeks turned into a faint scarlet shade and a smile played on her lips.

"You're the worst, you know?" She chuckled. "I know honey, that's the very reason you love me" I replied with a grin. Nazli held the side of my face with a chuckle and pressed a passionate kiss to my lips.

"I'll be a little late in the evening. Take care of our daughter" I whispered when she pulled back, "Maniac" She giggled as she got out. "Love you both"  I smiled at her. She bit her lip and gazed back at me.


"Daddy will be back in the evening" I mumbled, caressing my abdomen. Guess I was more of a maniac than Ferit.

When I turned around, I found Asuman and Fatosh leaning by the doorway and giving each other sly glances. "Looks like Romeo has dropped off his Juliet" "Yeah, seems like it" Asuman nodded at Fatosh.

"Get inside idiots" I chuckled, pushing the two of them into the meeting room. Fatosh poured us tea and I sat down at the table next to Asuman. "To be honest, I didn't think that you'd make it to Sakura after last night" Fatosh chuckled, making me choke

"L-Last night?" I muttered, "After the dance, the kiss, ah! So romantic!" "Oh... That..." I mumbled, flushing thoroughly.

"By the way sis" Asuman turned to me, "University is starting next week so I'll go back to America" "Alone? No... I can't send you like that Asuman" I replied. "Not exactly alone..." She mumbled, "Deniz said that he can come with me. He already has a few shows to do there" She replied.

Fatosh and I glanced at each other, "Deniz? Really?" A smile played on my lips. "Why are you both looking at me like that? We're friends... So far..." She retorted. "So far?" Fatosh chuckled, "You want it to become something else, Asu?" She wiggled her brows. Asuman rolled her eyes at Fatosh.

"But where will you stay?" "The same place we stayed last time. You know that I've got tons of friends there. Why are you so worried ugh, I'm not a kid anymore" She groaned.

"Oh shit, I've to run now" Asuman jumped up after staring at the clock. "I promised Gamze and the girls that we'd go for a movie. Goodbye sisters!" "Asuman wait" I stopped her. "I have something important to tell you... Both of you" I turned to Fatosh.

"Say it fast or I'm going to miss the bus" She crossed her arms in frustration. "I uh..." I bit my lip and stared at the two curious faces, "I'm pregnant..." I mumbled. Their jaws dropped and were frozen in place like statues.

Fatosh and Asuman squealed in excitement and enveloped me in a tight hug. I laughed, hugging them back, "I'm going to be a freaking aunt!" Asuman cried, "Oh my god, me too!" Fatosh joined her. "Calm down girls" I chuckled.


"Ferit?!" Engin pushed open my office door excitedly startling me and Mrs.Iqbal. "Are you okay?" I squinted at him, "Is Nazli pregnant?" His eyes widened and even Mrs.Iqbal turned to me in surprise.

"How did you... Oh... Fatosh" I mumbled to myself. "It's true then!" He was still excited. I chuckled, "We found out in the morning" I replied.

"Brother!" He squeezed my shoulder tightly and kissed my cheek. "Gross" I pushed him away, "You're going to be a father!" He exclaimed again making Mrs.Iqbal laugh. "Congrats Mr.Ferit" "Thank you Mrs.Iqbal... See? That's how normal people react" I turned back to him.

"I'm so happy for you!" He grinned at me, barely paying attention to my words. "I can see that" I chuckled, "We can celebrate after the meeting with the architects. Let's go now" I got up from my chair and Mrs.Iqbal nodded.

"Will Demet and Hakan be there?" I asked Engin on our way to the board room. "I don't think so. I haven't heard from them in a long time. Hakan's definitely up to something" "I hope we find out this suspicious business of his" I replied.

When we got to the board room, I froze on seeing Pelin sitting at the table with the others. She smiled at me in the most pleasing manner. Even Engin was shocked to find her here.

I tried to act normal and shook their hands one by one. Surprisingly, even Pelin was a candidate for our future marina project. I had no idea what she was doing near me again, but I was disgusted by her presence.

After everyone submitted their ideas, I turned to them with  confident smile. "Thank you everyone. We'll discuss your ideas and call you again by tomorrow. Mrs.Iqbal will show you the way out" I told them and they left the room one by one.

"Mrs.Pelin, can I talk to you?" I turned to her, "Sure. What do you wanna talk about?" She smiled at me innocently just as everyone left.

"What are you doing in my company?" I switched to a more stern tone. "I hope you haven't forgotten that I'm an architect, and I believe that my idea for the marina project is better than the others. I don't mix my personal life with my job, just like you" She replied.

"It's your choice if you want my idea or not, but the least you can do is be fair to me after all that has happened. Have a good day" She walked out of the board room.

She expected me to be fair after she went and cheated with some drunk man in a hotel. Why did I waste my years on that woman?

A/N- uh oh Pelin da snake is here folks!


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