36. Movie Time

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"Nazli wait..." She walked out of the kitchen wiping her tears. "What the hell did you tell her?" I growled at my mother, "The plain truth"  She shrugged, "You don't need that girl. She can't give you anything. Not children and-" "Shut up!" I yelled back.

"You ruined my life. Don't you dare try the same with her. Stay the hell away from us" I barked out before going behind Nazli.

I found her near the railing that overlooked the river below. "Sweetheart..." I called to her but she refused to turn back and wiped away her tears hastily.

I leaned back on the railing and stared at her face, "I'm sorry" "You didn't do anything..." She mumbled. "What my mother said to you... It's too much... I'll have a fair talk with her later... We can leave if you want" "No, Bulut will be sad... It's nothing, really..." She looked away.

I caressed her face and she was forced to look back into my eyes, "No one deserves to hurt you" I mumbled and a tear rolled down her cheek. "I'm sorry..." She broke into a soft sob.

"I couldn't make you happy..." "Nazli, baby, shhh..." She cried into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her. "You have no idea how happy I am to have you right now. You're the only thing I need, Nazli. Please stop crying..." I whispered.

She leaned up to wrap her arms around my neck, and pressed her face to my shoulder. "I love you" She replied, still crying.

"Me too" I smiled, caressing her hair. I wiped her tears when she pulled back. She kept gazing at my eyes, only if she knew how hypnotized I had been because of hers.

I cupped her face before pressing a soft kiss to her lips, she reciprocated beautifully.


It felt like a huge weight had been removed from my chest after confessing my heart to Ferit.

He was happy and joyful for the rest of the day but he avoided all conversations with Mrs.Leman. Even I did the same, that woman could only make me more uncomfortable.

When it was time to bid farewell to Bulut, he was really upset. He clung to  Ferit's shirt for a long time. "You'll get me back, right?" "Of course buddy. Soon enough you'll be with us" Ferit grinned at him.

Bulut beamed at him, "I love you uncle" "I love you too, my little monster" He kissed his cheek. "We should get going now big boss" Hakan called to him.

Ferit put him down and Demet led the boy away. He waved at us from the car and we smiled at him. The pain and torment in Ferit's eyes returned, "We'll keep our promise" I snuggled closer to his arm and whispered. He smiled down at me, the spark in his eyes gave me butterflies.

While Ferit and I got ready to leave, Deniz was struggling to start his car. "What's wrong with it?" Asuman asked him, "No idea" he sighed. "You two can come with us" Ferit told him with a chuckle.

"Thanks a lot Eniste. We should take this car to the garrage tomorrow... I mean, you" Asuman turned to Deniz who blinked at her. "Uh yeah, but I don't mind if you tag along" He replied and I didn't miss to notice the dreamy gaze she gave him.

Ferit gave me a glance, followed by a smirk. Even he noticed it.

Asuman had to take a few things from our old home so we drove there. To be honest, I expected myself to feel amazing on going back home. But unfortunately, I felt suffocated to be back in the old room.

Ferit and the others were also kinda lost in observing the old place. The dusty rooms had too many memories sealed within. I couldn't help walking out on them.

Full Moon | Dolunay (pt.1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora