12. Answers

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The drive back home was rather quiet and uncomfortable, more like sensual. Ferit had run away again while things were nearly perfect. I saw a new side of him tonight, a warm and trusting side. But good things never last. He pulled away from me again, leaving the moment awkward. I wanted to break the promises we made but he shielded himself, 'crawled back into his shell'.

I sighed...

Why did things have to be so complicated between us? What was he so scared of? Why couldn't this night last longer?

Ferit halted the car outside my house. I unbuckled my seat belt, "Thanks for dropping me back" I smiled at him, hoping to bring back his old form. He unbuckled his seat belt and leaned towards me. My heart rate quickened and my breathing became labored. He placed a slow and soft kiss on my cheek which sent sparks through my body.

"Goodnight" He pulled back and stared at me with a face devoid of any expression. My everything was trembling. I nodded and got out of the car, pausing to glance at him from the stairs. His face looked sad, his eyes didn't want me to leave. He was trying to fight his demons.

He turned his head suddenly, as if waking up from a prohibited dream. He started the engine and drove off without giving me a last glance. I sprinted back to the road and my heart ached. I wanted to go with him. I didn't want him to fight alone... But what was he fighting?

"Nazli?" Dad came outside with a glass of wine, I glanced at the road again before turning to face him. "Was that Ferit?" He asked me and I nodded, "You seem to get along well now, right?" He put his arm around me shoulder as we walked back inside. I didn't reply, "Is something wrong my dear?" He had a worried expression on his face.

I sighed and crashed on the couch, he came and sat next to me. "Is it... Something related to Ferit?" I glanced at him then. He placed the wine glass back on the table and took my hand in his, "I know that you feel like I'm the worst father alive but I'm sorry" He mumbled. "Hasan and I were the best of friends all though college. We started this business together, built everything from scratch together. Earned fame and money together" He paused.

"Years of sweat and blood have been spent on that company more than the money. And I'm proud of it a lot, and I expected you or at least Asuman to follow in my line. But I'm fine with the both of you choosing your desired profession, and that doesn't mean my work will go down the drain" He sighed. "I need someone I can trust, and that someone is Ferit. Moreover I want to see you married and have children" I felt my tummy flip inside me again. 

Children with Ferit? That sounds like Lucifer's kids...

"It sounds selfish but every father wants that... To see their daughter married to the best man out there." He smiled slightly, "Ferit has suffered a lot in his life. His parents have both done... Unlawful things..." He sighed. "Huh? What do you mean dad?" "Uh... Nothing... Just forget that I said that" He replied hurriedly. Something was definitely wrong. 

What did Ferit's parents do? Was Ferit aware of it?

"And... Don't mention this in front of him" Dad sounded serious now, "Fine, but tell me what they did..." "Hasan and Leman have both made mistakes... But Ferit was young at that time, ten or twelve... I don't remember. He'll tell you himself when the time is right..." Dad mumbled. I was slightly freaking out now.

"But..." He took a deep sigh, "If you really don't want to marry Ferit... I won't force you anymore" "I... Want to..." My voice came out as a whisper and dad's face lit up. The door flung open and a laughing Asuman and Fatosh appeared, they froze when they say saw dad. "Ah... Dad... Hi... I'm gonna sleep" "Asuman" He called sternly and she turned to face him again with a sigh.

"By the way, were where you three?" He glanced at the three of us, "Nihat uncle... Er.. We went to meet a few of our friends..." "Till, sis disappeared with eniste" Asuman chimed in and I glared at her. The three heads turned towards me with a teasing smile, "Uff enough already" They chuckled. "I'll head back home now... I just wanted to make sure Asuman got here" Fatosh said.

"How can I let you do that daughter? It's already late, you can stay here" Dad told her. "Yep, you'll sleep in my room" I grinned at her. "Hmm... Okay! Even I missed our sleepovers" She whined and we laughed. After saying goodnight to dad, the three of us went upstairs. Fatosh and I made sure to lock Asuman in her room before we could start talking about 'tonight.'

"Engin is really kind Nazli, he dropped us back home, can you believe it?" "He seems to like you then" I told her with a grin, "I love him Nazli. It was love at first sight ay... He's a gentleman" I could almost see red hearts in her eyes now. "He seems better than Ferit" I told her, "Speaking of which, what did you and Mr.Iceberg do? Did he kiss you again?" She wiggled her brows and I threw a pillow at her.

"We went to Ismail uncle's restaurant, and danced in the end" "Ay! So romantic!" She clasped her hands dramatically. "But he pulled away soon... Just like the night we got engaged." I stared up at the ceiling as Ferit's expressionless face appeared in my head.

"He's a really strange man Fatosh..." I sighed, "The first time we met... He was a typical playboy... Flirty and stuff... But now its a lot more complicated... I mean, I don't know what he wants. He gets close one second and cold the other. He's scared of something... He keeps things to himself... Lives in a shell..." I mumbled.

"Nazli...?" I looked back up at Fatosh. "Are you in love with him?" I pondered over this question for a while. "I don't know..." I shrugged, "Dad told me that he had a rough past... Both his parents did 'unlawful' mistakes... But he won't tell me anything more" I sighed. "Unlawful mistakes?" Fatosh raised an eyebrow and I nodded.

"I want to find out though... But he asked me not to ask Ferit. He'll tell me myself at the right time." "Hmm... Anyway you can't blame the guy for his parents. God knows what he must have lived" Fatosh sighed, "You're right" I mumbled.

She laid down next to me and hugged me, "Mr.Iceberg will become your Turkish prince in no time. Just give him some time to prepare" I chuckled.

The chances for that were bleak, but I did notice changes in Ferit recently. I felt like I had to help him... No matter how big of a jerk he is. 

He needed me.

A/N- Before you ask, ye, Ferit's dad is called Hasan in the series. (Episode 5... talk with Demet in his office scene ig) But i dont remember Nazli's dad's real name...

Anyway, a new thing that imma do for the chapters are add songs to it (not in every chapter though)... The songs will be like the theme of the chapter (or really amazin upbeat songs which rnt related to the chaps in any way XD). I've added songs for chaps- 1,3,7,9 and 11 so far. Make sure u check em out. 


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