22. Insane

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Ferit told me that Mr. and Mrs. Nakatani would meet us directly at the restaurant. I was excited to meet the couple, especially since they were Japanese. My fondness for Japanese culture started way back since I was a kid but I wasn't telling him that.

"Mr. and Mrs. Nakatani" Ferit shook their hands with a warm smile, "This is my wife Nazli" He slipped his arm around my waist and I glanced at him before turning to face the couple. "Konnichiwa" I shook their hands, "Konnichiwa" Mrs.Nakatani grinned back. I liked her immediately.

"Our flight was late by two hours, I apologize for that" Mr.Nakatani turned to Ferit as we sat down. "That's alright" He replied with a smile. Ferit was indeed a gentleman in his professional mode... No wonder why dad chose him, only I had seen the naughty devil inside him.

"Do you live near Tokyo?" I asked Mrs.Nakatani out of curiosity, "Ah she can't understand Turkish..." Mr.Nakatani replied, "Oh... That's okay" I replied and asked her the same in Japanese, shocking everyone around me. "Hai" She replied back with the sweetest smile I'd known. "Mrs.Nazli... You know Japanese?" The man was amused, "A teeny bit... I used to take classes in college" I replied.

Ferit's stared at me in surprise and I noticed a glint of admiration in his eyes, again. "Oh that's great" Mr.Nakatani replied, "So did you go to a Japanese university?" "No" I chuckled, "I went to America to learn gastronomy but I've always been fond of Japanese... Especially your movies. I love Japanese food too. So, I took extra classes on the language for a few years" I replied.


What I expected to be a business dinner ended up being a family dinner as Nazli amused the Nakatanis with her Japanese skills. Even I was amazed by this, she was indeed filled with surprises. They talked and laughed together whilst I sat in the corner enchanted by Nazli's features.

She made everyone laugh by saying something silly in Japanese, the couple loved her. She was enjoying herself and I couldn't take my eyes off of her. My center of attraction. 

Mrs.Nakatani turned to me and asked something in Japanese. Nazli became nervous immediately, "My wife asked where you are planning to take Nazli on a honeymoon" Mr.Nakatani translated it for me. My gaze on Nazli lingered a bit longer now, "Uh... It's still a bit early for us now. We both have work so that makes it more difficult to take a holiday" I replied politely. 

Work had to be my top priority this week as I can't afford to lose another tender. Losing in front of Hakan was the last thing I wanted, only if I could prove that he used illegal money. That rascal. But going on a honeymoon with Nazli would be amazing.


"It was a wonderful evening" Nazli declared as we got home, "Yeah" I smiled back at her. Nazli's face wilted suddenly, "Did uh... Mrs.Asiya make breakfast for you?" She tried sounding passive but the jealousy in her voice made me grin. I stepped towards her while she stepped back, my cautious blue angel, "She came... To resign" I replied.

"Why?" Nazli stepped back again, "Her daughter gave birth yesterday, so she'll be moving to the village to be with her" I replied and Nazli's eyes widened, "She has a daughter?" "A granddaughter too" I chuckled. "Right" She mumbled as her back collided with the wall, "So you don't have a chef now?" "Nah..." I replied resting my hand on the same wall, trapping her. 

"What will you do then? Hire a new chef?" Her breathing grew deep and quick. "Maybe... But..." I bit my bottom lip, "I was planning to go on a holiday. You ever thought of our honeymoon?" "Honeymoon?" A faint blush crept into her cheeks, "Yes" I replied smiling as innocently as possible. Maybe I wouldn't have to wait till our honeymoon. Maybe tonight...

"Wait a minute" She narrowed her eyes on me, "I thought you had a lot of work at the company?" "It can be postponed Nazli" I grinned at her. "I'll postpone anything when it comes to you" I whispered, advancing towards her slowly and seductively. "Ah!" Our lips nearly brushed past each other till she dodged it strategically. 

"I have some things to do before tomorrow, so good night to you" She was about to run away again till I caught her, pulling her towards me. "Let me go Ferit" She tried avoiding my gaze, "Why are you avoiding me?" "What do you want from me?" She retorted. "Why are you mad at me all the time? What did I even do?" I frowned. 

Why was it so hard to make a proper conversation her? Why was she so stubborn?
Why can't she see that I must have sex with her before I lose my mind?

Most importantly, why doesn't she want to have sex with me?

"Wait... Is it that time of the month or something?" I tried coming up with the most applicable possibility to the matter. Her eyes widened in horror, "What?! Let go of me already!" She pushed me away blushing furiously. "You have no shame, no manners, no nothing!" She barked at me, "It was a simple question, why are you yelling at me?" "I can't believe you!" She stormed off now, "Aren't you sleeping in my room?" "I hate you!" She roared back. 

Well, there goes the first day of my happy marriage.


I tried avoiding Ferit as much as possible now. Leaving for my restaurant early in the morning and barely picking up his calls. Even he gave up calling now as he got busy with some tender. I heard from Fatosh that even Engin was very nervous about the tender. 

Their relationship had taken a step further while Ferit and I were struggling to make it to the next day. We saw less of each other everyday and neither of us bothered to even call. A text message or two a day would end our conversation. 

One night Ferit called me to say that he wouldn't be coming home as he was busy at work with Engin. "Okay" I replied and he hung up immediately without even saying another word. Truth is, I missed him. But if he found out about that, then he would take advantage of me immediately. Break my heart again. Consider me as his toy. Use, throw away and reuse. His robotic lifestyle was too frustrating.

The next morning, Mrs.Iqbal came home with another woman. "Nazli... I mean, Mrs.Nazmiya-" "Nazli is fine" I corrected her with a smile. "Mr.Ferit prefers to be called as Mr... So..." "Mr.Ferit is obsessed with a lot of rules Mrs.Iqbal, but you can call me Nazli" I chuckled. "Well, Nazli... I wanted to introduce Mrs.Burcu to you" She glanced at the pretty woman. "I need to urgently return to the company. I'm sorry... Mrs.Burcu will make her presentation. Have a good day" Mrs.Iqbal hurried out of the kitchen to attend a phone call. 

"Good morning Mrs.Nazli I'll be working here as the new chef" "New chef?" I gave a humorless chuckle. "Yes, I'm experienced in this field but not as much as you" Well, she was already trying to get into my good books. "Thank you but... I don't think we need a new chef" Definitely not a young female one with good looks. 

"I'm really sorry Mrs.Burcu but we can manage on our own" I told her. "But Mrs.Iqbal said that Mr.Ferit wanted a new chef... You are busy at the restaurant so he didn't want to stress you more..." She definitely heard it wrong. My husband would never care about me that much. "I will cook for my husband. I'm sure you understand" I smiled at her even though I felt like the devil. 

"Are you sure Mrs.Nazli?" "Yes, I am" I replied. "But, Ferit won't know about this" "Uh... What do you mean?" She was puzzled. "Um well, I'll tell him by myself... But let this stay between us for now, okay?" I smiled at her innocently. The last thing I wanted Ferit to point at was me being jealous of his chefs.

"Mrs.Iqbal?" "I'll talk to her too... You'll be paid for today as well. Bye... I'm sorry again" I told her as she left the kitchen. There wasn't a clear reason in my head why I wanted to do this but when it came to Ferit and women, I was well aware of what he was capable of. 

Moreover, isn't it the most normal thing to cook for your husband secretly? 

A/N- Idk y I picked this song but it feels kinda good for this chap. It's lit btw (duh)
Don't forget to comment. Peace out.

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