Chapter 27

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She wore a black T-shirt and a black skirt with thigh highs and dress shoes. A white surgical mask and an anime hat? Highly unusual if it was who i was assuming it to be.
Pulling the mask from her face my eyes widened in disbelief. I knew it was a matter of time before she found me.

Grabbing my face she pulled me towards her, smashing her lips against mine.
It was a shock to me. I still couldn't even recognize her for a moment...

"Oy! Get off her yew crazy git!"
Amy pulls her off me as Tracy holds her back with an arm lock. She must not of been too bothered about it because if she was she would've probably killed both of them no mercy.

Wiping my mouth with a flustered look i give her another look.

I grunted. Getting up. My heart was beating faster and faster. Seeing her here was a bit overwhelming.

"You know this psycho?"
Tracy wrinkled her nose in disbelief, letting her go, that's when Cy got closer to me grabbing my wrist and dragging me with her. The girls of course followed.
"Hey! Where are you taking her?"

"The information you ask of is classified."
Cy spoke, opening one of the side doors and stepping out. The girls still following behind as quickly as they could.
"Come Misstress. We need to find a more secluded area."

Amy snickered as she keeps up the pase.
"And here I thought you were Submissive."

My face turned red. They didn't have to know that. Why were they still following? Turning around to the girls Cy pointed back at the school.

"I recommend you both return to the building. This does concern the both of you."
We all have her a look then as she began to twitch and crackle a bit.

"Cy, please tell me you're not..."
I put a hand on her shoulder, worried about her condition.
"You should be in bed. Resting!"

"Wait. THAT'S Cy? I thought Cy was a bloke! You said you had a boyfriend."
Tracy finally started to catch on...she's never been very good at picking up the obvious.

"Never said I had a boyfriend. I said I had a partner. You lot just assumed she was a boy."

"So... you're a lezzy?"

"C'mon Trace where's your head been? They kissed in the hallway. Are you blind? No offense to you Si."
Amy chuckled as she kept up with the both of us, along with Tracy.
"But I don't blame 'er I would've thought she was a bloke especially after that photo... And that her name is Cy. You know because It's short for Simon. Isn't it?"

"Yeah...a lot of people assume that."
I said as Cy was guiding me to where we were going. I had started to get a heat flash from the small hit I took from Amy's pen.
"She's...She's not supposed to be here now though. She's ill and needs to be home."

"I'm alright. Everything is in working condition, but my question is, are you?"
I rolled my eyes and scoffed. Why with that question. Obviously. I'm breathing aren't I? She then stops and grabs my face.
"I am being serious. You could have been hurt, abducted or worse. You worried me. You worried everyone. Mr. Russel is stressed, Mr.2D is behaving strangely, Mr.Ace is upset that Miss Noodle left and-"

"Where's Noodle?"
I interrupted. Noodle of course could go wherever she liked but if it was enough to worry Ace and make D act stranger than usual she had to be in danger. Cy just looks at me, either she's processing or being silent on purpose either way. It worried me too.
"Cy, Where is Noodle?"

"She left for Patagonia nearly a week ago. We haven't heard from her since."
My eyes widened. She went where!? It's a good tourist spot i heard but also knowing Noodz she could easily get herself into a lot of trouble.

Gorillaz and me (PT 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora