Chapter 2

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When we finally made it to the Arcade/ Bowling alley it was raining. Not harshly but enough to get our clothes a bit damp.

Before we even left the car Noodle handed 2D and Russel sunglasses, as for herself, she pulled her hair however...there was nothing.
Being in a band you had to have some sort of disguise, not to be bombarded by poparatzii or fans. Not only that but imagine how everyone would react if they found out about me. The media would go crazy. I really didn't need that kind of attention.

Everybody had their own disguise except me. I didn't need one due to me not being an item. Helpful.

2D went as Stuart...Russel went as...himself and Noodz called her self Haruka Kobaiyashi. Maid Dragon. Sweet.

Nobody had any idea who we were which was nice.

"Alrigh' lov...wot do yew say I race yew to that machene over dare?"

He pointed at a large machine that has the word GALAGA written in big blue letters. A two player. I smirked at him. I LOVED this game. Highly addicting and really fun to play with 2D. Of course it being us and us being highly competitive at video games we both sprinted towards it.

"Five pounds says I win!"
I stated excitedly, sliding in a coin.

"Double dat!"
2D stated sliding in his coin after me.

I stated. Getting really competitive. It was on!

"Alright don't over do it..."

Noodle crossed her arms rolling her eyes.


The game was really fun. We had just gotten up to the boss level. A few groups had gathered around as 2D and I were really close to each others scores. It was really the highest I've ever gotten with D.

Just one more and...

I spun myself around and bounced happily as the few People that had gathered were cheering and clapping. As a result...600 tickets AND 15£!

After playing for what felt like only 30 minutes I took a seat, ordering a pizza. This was honestly the best birthday ever.
We all chatted about what to play next while we were eating.
I pulled out a thick stringy slice of pizza. Then instantly took a bite from it. A poor choice due to it being but and fresh but the flavours wished so well I practically melted. I didn't say anything...only a small tear trickled down my face as I took my first bite.

"Eh? Sia-Chan, 大丈夫ですか?!"

I nodded as I ate the slice, letting it burn me...i was definitely...HOT. But the feeling of food going to my stomach felt so good!

2D rubbed my head as Russel chuckled as I ate the pizza.

"Alright kiddo, what's next?"
Russel asked me grabbing his slice but letting it cool first.
I looked at Noodle...then at the Arcade game from across the room.
Swelling down my last bite I looked at Noodle again...then at the game.

"How about I challenge Noodle to a race?"

She seemed shocked but pleased as she looked over to the same game I was looking at.

I smirked. I knew she was up for the challenge. Standing up from my seat I grab Noodle's arm and dragged her there before she could even finish her Pizza.

"How much you wanna get for it?"

Noodle gave me a look. Rolling her eyes and shaking her head.


"I didn't say anything about money...i just wanna know what my reward is for winning?"
I hopped onto one of the motor bikes as I slipped in a coin. Noodle did the same.

I just gave her a smirk at that question. Pushing start. Like she was going to win...i wouldn't let that happen.

Noodle was really competitive. Even when it came to games. She was really good. Her reflexes were almost cat like. Leaning into for me...i was struggling a bit but catching up to her...closer...closer...closer...
I was nearly on the edge of my seat when I fell off, my back hitting the floor. Noodle and I both laughed hysterically like it was the funniest thing on earth.
It was really nice they were doing this for me. It had really helped me a lot. Cheered me up and made me forget about Danny.

Noodle stopped laughing and I had opened my eyes to see why.

"Need any help short-stack?"

My eyes widened as I saw that familiar grin. That smug look, him.


I bit my lip. Wanting to cry but I held it down. Swallowing the familiar ball that begun to form in my throat. I brought myself to roll over and stand on my feet.

"I can stand on my own fhanks."
I turned away from him, making zero eye contact...Something I learned from Noodle whenever she got upset.

"Aww come on Cutie, you can't still be angry at me from the Christmas party are you?"

I huffed turning to Noodle pretending as if he wasn't standing there although it felt like I was about to break into a million pieces.

"Noodz I'm going to toilet...I-I'll be back."

Rushing to the toilets I instantly go into a panic attack. I wanted to cry. Why was he here? Out of all places. Why here!?
I sat down in the stall. Placing my knees to my chest....i heard a knock and the sound of Danny's the girls toilets?

"Hey...I-I know that you think im awful and terrible but you gotta look at it this way. You're just a kid and I-"

"I don't want to hear anything from yew...go away."

I watched as Danny leaned against the wall I also heard him light a cigarette.

"Sia. Listen...i didn't mean to hurt your feelings. You're my best friend...and a damn good girlfriend. I-I love you."

My eyes widened. Girlfriend? I felt an instant boil of rage surge through my entire body making me heat up.

I stated with a low tone.
I opened the stall door pushing him HARD as i yelled at him.

"I was drunk...i didn't mean-"

I began sobbing as I yelled at him, feeling my hot tears streak down my face.

I managed to shove him out of the girls toilets but I was still angry at him.

"Sia...listen. Babe I-I love you..."
He managed to get close to me face placing his hand on my right cheek stroking it softly.
"Baby hear me out. I never meant to-"

Nothing he could do was going to fix this. Not now or ever. At first i was upset...but now I was beyond pissed at him. How DARE he come up here ON MY birthday and ruin it! How DARE he even exist! Loads of people were looking but I honestly didn't even give a damn. Let them look. Let them know how awful he is!
He was going to kiss me. Softly and gently like he did all those times before. But not now. Not today. NOT EVER!

I screamed. I screamed and I threw my fist right into his face sending him back. But I didn't stop there. I pounced and jumped on him, he managed to dodge a few hits but with all the wrestling I did with really paid off in my opinion.

He struggled and tried to shove me off as I pulled his short hair and bit his arm until I tasted blood in my mouth.
People were taking photos and video...but I didn't care. I wanted him to pay for what he did! And God damn it he was going to pay!

Gorillaz and me (PT 4)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora