Chapter 3

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The ride home was quiet...almost silent. The only sound was from the rain and the faint sounds of the radio.

It was Noodle who had to pull me off of Danny. As for Danny...his mum had a..."nice" little "chat" with Noodle in the parking lot and by that I mean...well...Noodle was in no state to drive. Her and I both felt the same about Danny now...except different. In an awkward way.
We both hated him is where im trying to get at.

"Are you girls alright back there?"
Russel spoke, looking at us through milky white eyes.
Neither of us spoke. We were too upset and pissed off.

Noodle managed to speak with a low angry voice.

She then looks at me, rubbing the top of my head with her hand giving a smile at me.

"No. We're not hurting anybody"
Russel replied looking back at us.
"Especially you Noodle. You go too far."

Noodle looked Shocked. She was really strong. But that was no exception. It wasn't even fair that she didn't want to help.

"Come on Russ. We only want to break his legs...and his face. And his-"

"No Sia. We're not goin' to hurt people jus' cause they hurt yew. That's not Right..."

I furrowed my eyebrows...that's not true! If someone messes with you...mess with them back. That was an all the time rule! For everyone.

"You do it to Murdoc."

It was silent. They didn't want to talk about it but I was satisfied I made everyone quiet.

"No fighting! Full stop. Understand?"
2D gave me this look...the same look mum gave me whenever she was really disappointed.

I leaned up to both of them in the front seats.


"No Buts."
Russel glared at me through the mirror again. His milky white eyes meeting my blue least it felt like they were.
"Sit back Sia. Don't get us pulled over."

I slumped back into my seat with my arms crossed.

"彼女は身を守った.彼女は何をすべきでしたか? 嫌がらせを受けたいですか、それとも反撃したいですか?彼女は彼から身を守った. 私は彼女を誇りに思います。あなたも誇りに思うべきです."
Noodle spoke in my defence which made the boys both hush up. I gave a smirk as we pulled into the garage.

Opening my door I was stopped by 2D talking to me.

"Sia, Jus' promise me yew won't hit anehbodeh unless day hit yew firs' okay?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would i hit anybody without reason? I didn't say anything back to him as we walked inside. Noodle stretched and let out a groan as she did so.


Russel nods as he heads up the stairs.
"I gotta fix a light in my room."

2D just...went into the kitchen, possibly for more food. I swear he's got a tape worm with the amount he eats. All three of them just...left me in the living room.

"A-Alright then...bye?"

That was weird how they just scattered like that. We're they that upset with me?

I shrugged it off sitting on the sofa next to a passed out Murdoc. It wasn't unusual for him to be asleep at this time of day. He normally didn't wake up until around 3...and for him to be up as early as it was today...very odd.
I switched on the TV and surfed though the channels...boring, boring, boring aaaannnndddd boring.

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