Chapter 15

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//a Small bit of NSFW ahead//

Turns out 2D has a new girlfriend. Lilly or Lena or... something of that nature.
About a week passed and I haven't seen Cy. It was getting around that time to see my mum again. She was supposed to be coming with me.

Maybe she really was mad at me. Was I that bad? It's not like I meant any of it.
It was late, around midnight or so. I had nicked a bit of bud from Mudz room. With him gone I had more access to his stuff. Real wicked.
I felt my eyelids become heavy. Closing them softly I hear my door creak open.

"Mmmhhh... Hello beautiful~"
I don't know why I thought it was Cy. But part of me actually believed it was her. Maybe because I missed her a little.

"Nothin' against you pet, but I think I'm a bit too old for you."
I heard as she stepped in. And assuming she sat down.
"'s the buzz treatin' ya."

I snorted a bit. It was just D's girlfriend. Silly me for actually believing it was Cy. I let out a sigh.

"Its treatin' me real good. Fhanks."
The woman just laughs and lays down beside me. Was she laying beside me? Why?
"So...your D's girlfriend aren't you? Lemme guess you call him Stu."

"Eheheh. You could say that."
She gave a nervous giggle.
"He is real cute you know...its no wonder he's such a catch."

I stuck out my tongue in a cringe. D? Cute?


The woman laughs again.

"You really are proper cu'e. It's a wonder you're still single. And shut away from the media? I bet if you made an appearance you'd find someone real quick who would just eat you up."

"Ehhhh Mudz says fame ain't all that. 'sides I got Cy. She's my... ehh... partner."

"Is she enough though?"
I opened my eyes, turning my head to look at her.


"Well, I don't mean to sound improper but you haven't seen her in quite some time right? Does she really give you everything you need? Not just in your heart and mind but, does she complete you? Fully?"

"So we had a row. All proper couples do. Right? Besides, It's not all about pleasure you know. Cy completes me enough."
I watched as she sat up from her laying position. She had on one of 2D's shirts and Noodle's shorts. She looked rather pretty. Younger than 2D, she looked to be about Noodle's age. Maybe older? Thin. She had long strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. Figures, 2D had to date a model.

"Isn't it though? Tha's why I got with Stu."

I wanted to laugh. That's it? Damn this was sad. I gave her a look.

"Alright, alright I get it. Shag mates. Mum has a lot of those. Mudz does too. Look, just don't make it anything its not. He's sensitive y'know."
I turned back towards the ceiling. Closing my eyes I sigh again.
"I don't really see the point in it anyways. Sex seems so...weird."

"Hold it. Are you saying you've never tried it on with-"
She gives a giggle.
"Babe ya gotta try at least. Has she even tried anything with you? How can you say you're a couple if you've never tried anything?"

"W-We've kissed!"
I shouted in response as I felt my face become hot as I said this.
"And none of that quick shit. It's hot and heavy and French!"

"Ooh I see~ care to demonstrate?"

I lifted up. My face flustered.

"W-What are you sayin' tha' I should kiss you?"

"Oh, God No! I'm not a pedophile. Go get her!"
I was relived. I thought she wanted me to actually snog her... I might be just a bit too high.

"I- no...she won't come out."
I was hesitant. Not like she needed to know why or what it was about.
"Like I said. We had a row."

"Maybe you should just... Make her."

"Make her?"
I listened as she got up. A few of her bones popping. Definitely old.

"Your a big girl, I'm sure you can figure it out."
I then watch as my light went out.
"Your high is better in the dark lovely. Sweet dreams."

But that wasn't really the end of my night. A few minutes pass and my head began spinning as I looked at my glow in the dark stars glossed and faded in and out. I began thinking about Cy.
Her voice, her eyes, her...everything.
I began thinking about how we use to kiss deep and hot. And how I wanted to try more with her.
That first kiss was just the beginning.
If Cy was here with me now I'd want her to be kissing me on the floor. And...and i want her in that cute spaghetti strap and shorts. On me...feeling me up and- maybe I could get her to bite me again... Properly. As much as I hate to admit it, feeling her teeth graze against my skin... Gave me butterflies.

I began to think about how much I wanted her to myself. All the way. Completely.

I began to felt myself get hot as I brought my hands to my chest.
This feeling was...odd, yet... Good. Like the way Cy made me feel but less static and more...flutter. If that made sense.
  I began thinking about her more, thinking about her soft cold hand caressing my body, tracing her soft hands everywhere as she kissed me.

I mumbled out her name a little. It even felt like she was there. I couldn't help but want more of her.
I wasn't use to feeling this way. At all...and wanting Cy like this...was it right?
If I couldn't really have Cy then maybe this is alright?
N-No. It wasn't! But it felt so good!

It wasn't until I let out my first actual moan when I decided to stop.
It wasn't like me to feel this way. Why was I like this now? Maybe I should take a shower. Eat something or have a shot to clear my head.

Yeah. It's best if i stopped now before I did something I regretted. After all... It probably wasn't going to happen any time soon. Not at this rate.

Gorillaz and me (PT 4)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن