Chapter 20

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"And that's on how to catch a pedophile."
I crossed my arms with a smug look on my face.
Catching Robert and telling on him was the hard part.
Never gonna work out...But breaking his hand while he attempted to grope my girlfriend while mum and I were out...
That's how you get them! By surprise! And violence! I was...quite proud of myself.

I felt bad on Cy's part. Being touched without permission is an uncomfortable feeling.
But i'm glad that Bloke's hand is broken.

" 'm just glad 'e didn' touch yew lov. Is Cy alright?"
2D was fidgeting in his seat. Everyone was glad that creep was gone. Except Mum...well in a way she was upset, and angry...she threw a vase at him and just talked a bunch of squeaky, cockney an angry parakeet.

"She's fine. Just...processing."
Thinking back to Cy's expression and what had happened. She seemed deeply upset. Her face might not of said much but her eyes said otherwise. The truth was she wasn't alright. But I didn't want to drag any attention to her.

I felt myself be tightly embraced by Noodle.
Then everybody else.

"Yew both did the right thing. I'm proud of you."
Russel said softly, placing his hand on my head. Once the hug was over the only thing I could do was fidget in place.

"It was the right thing to do. He hurt Cy. It's only fair that he get a proper payback."
I put my fist in my hand as i explained, cracking my knuckles.

"I know love."
2D smiled happily.
"Speakin' of which you should probably see how she's doin'."

I nod and hurry up the stairs towards my bedroom, where im assuming Cy went. I didn't see her go downstairs.
I opened up my door to see her slumped down looking down at her feet as she sat on my bed.
"Are you alright Babes?"

Approaching her, I lift her chin up so she could see me. Yet, she turned away slowly.
"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry? You're not the one who should be apologizing. It's me. I should have never left you alone with him."
She looked up at me. Glossy yellow eyes...she was deeply upset.

I might have told a little fib about who was touched by who.

Long story short Mum asked Cy to help her find some things I might like for my room. Nothing more than a 30 minute shopping spree.
She wanted it to be a surprise for me.
I let Cy go with her, thinking I was actually capable if being alone with Robert.

He began spying on me in my room. Even after I closed my door he kept opening it. And when I confronted him about it he shoved me against a wall and...attempted to feel me up. He did smell heavily of alcohol but. That was no excuse for what he did...who knew what would've happened if I was alone with him for longer than that.

"I-I am sorry. I-...I feel ashamed of myself. I couldn't move or fight back. It was like. All those years of us fighting. I forgot it all. I was scared..."
I stood there, scratching my head a bit ashamed that i couldn't defend myself.
"I'm glad you came in time."

It wasn't really unexpected. But it sort of was. Having her jump up to embrace me fallowed by what sounded like...sniffles?

"I really do apologize Mistress. I failed you. I failed to keep you safe. I shouldn't have agreed to joining her."

"A-Are you crying?"
I let out a short exhale as I felt my heart shatter. Cy NEVER cries. EVER. She hardly showed any emotion, let alone CRY!
She...must have been really worried.
I began thinking about it more...and what he could have done to me while they were out.

I wrapped my arms around her tightly and began crying quietly with her. I had never seen her do this before. I felt her body warm up which made me hug her more strongly. She responded the same way.

"Never again Mistress."
I hear her sniffle as she let go, placing her soft hand on my cheek. Her eyes...they were blue. And not a sky blue but a deep sapphire blue. Her cheeks glistened with what looked like tears have been. I watched as one left her eye, rolling down her cheek.
"Never again will I leave you. For anything. I promise."

All I could do after seeing her tear stained face was cry more.
I nodded before embracing her tightly once more.

I loved Cyborg. I loved her looks, her smile, her laugh. I even thought it was cute when she got angry. But one thing is for sure, I never wanted to make her cry again. Not ever.
Seeing her in the state she was in. My heart couldn't take it. I never wanted to see her sad like that ever again.
"Never again."

Gorillaz and me (PT 4)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant